31 January 2007 Wednesday
Software friends
My best friends at the office: Pandora and firefox extension for Last.fm.
I tried to use PandoraFM but workplace internet blocks it.
Other software note: Multiplicity is very excellent app to allow control over multiple computers (each with their own monitor) with one keyboard/mouse. This is fantastic…if only my laptop would stop shutting down every couple minutes (haven’t been able to take it in for service, yet.)
Also, Launchy, which can be trained to act much like Spotlight, and anyway is an excellent (and open-source) launching app. I wish it allowed command-line commands or full-path calls, but aside from those missing features, it’s quite perfect. Definitely most useful to me at home than work, but quite pleasing at work as well.
Another note, more to myself in exaltation than anything: (Microsoft) Access has datasheet (spreadsheet/Excel-style) view. For backend input, this is infinitely more sensible than ‘Form’ view.
P.S. I have a cold today.
P.P.S.(and related to the preceding P.S.) Haven’t been drinking half enough water this week.
P.P.P.S.(and unrelated to the preceding P.S.es) Oh, oh… the one thing I’m most pleased with from this past week is my right thumbnail that split (not proud of that) across my thumb, when I allowed my nails to get too long (had meant to cut them for days…) and finally managed to coat it with enough thick layers of nail polish that now it’s pretty properly shellacked and reasonably stable (still have to remember not to use it much/apply pressure at the tip, til the whole things grows out happy again.) Turns out I use my right thumb/(nail) much more than I’d have thought. You don’t know what you’ve got…
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