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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

30 March 2004 Tuesday

passing by (minor rant while i sit at work)

slated in moments at 11:15 am

so i’m at work. never mind the coldness today and how reluctant i was to ever get out from under the blankets of my bed. i’m here. more or less quite willing and capable to be very productive and useful. except that ms. person-who-i-generally-answer-to isn’t in today.. nor was she in yesterday, nor will be tomorrow. and everyone’s quite busy, but that doesn’t mean that they can use help…sometimes that’s just not possible. and unless i’m to start looking really bored by neatly aligning the different stacks of papers on everyone’s desks, then i’m not really sure what to do right now. i mean, i finished everything she’d left for me yesterday. i’m waiting for one or two calls back on inquiries from yesterday, and there’s two things i can do on thursday, but..besides that… the people i would be helping right now are either terribly wrapped up in this project they have (for which the database is accessible by only one person at a time), or they’re in and out to meetings and don’t even have time to delegate something to me. and furthermore, i figure, if they haven’t assigned it to me, it’s not very urgent or important.. by that i mean, it would be just as dissatisfying (maybe more so) to me for someone to sit and scratch their head for something for me to do.. and then have me do something menial just to keep me busy. humph. what i think i could be doing right now is the contact list compilation (not at all urgent, but something practical, and which i can do well (better than most) without much trouble at all. what else was i going to say… i’m tired today.. sleepyish.. i don’t like that it’s cold again outside. i’m not even going to start on how i feel about the pending cicada invasion. i’ll likely dedicate a post—or ten—to those ugly bunnies later. you know, if i’d just be slower at the stuff they assigned me to do, then this wouldn’t be a problem. humph. since i’m up, and at a computer/with my notebook and pencil and such, i should totally be making use of myself by accomplishing my own stuff. and not merely jotting small bunches of thoughts at a time to create this post. and one wonders why i spent my time answering a blog/email, seemingly unnecessarily. btw, i’d at least be able to answer the phone for these people, if only the phone at my desk accepted incoming calls…. but it doesn’t. and by the time i get up to walk to another desk to fetch the phone, it’s stopped ringing. too bad. *shaking my head at the waste of it all* … okay. got the last three. i’m the best phone answerer ever. perfect etiquette. thorough and neat messages. especially compared to ‘miss’ who usually answers the phone. like an angry wild pig! or something.

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