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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

31 October 2007 Wednesday

Hi Bolinas

Byebye One...

slated in site-building at 4:20 am

After days and lots of Filip’s patience (thanks again Filip, and Textdrive/Joyent team), the migration from One to Bolinas is complete…

Lots of hiccups remain..

I was aware of the mysql latin1→utf8 issue, and followed the instructions to address that, but I don’t think I was too successful.. MySQL doesn’t have universal find and replace, so kind of painfully and slowly building a list of tables, columns, and character instances to replace.

update textpattern set Body = replace(Body,''','''');
update textpattern set Excerpt = replace(Excerpt,'...','...');
update txp_lang set data = replace(data,'--','--');

.htaccess files of course had to be edited (def. needed guidance for that.. apparently mod_php is no more, so all AddType and php_value lines = byebye. Same for SecFilterEngine/SecFilterSelective lines.)

Also, some weird stuff with some of the scripts persist…scripts/css show/hide/expand/contract.. I’ll be looking into that… :-/

Anyway, all the sites have been moved and should be working reasonably happily, but please do point out errors/weird characters, because at this point they’ll have to be addressed on an individual-instance basis.

I miss my neighbors on One. I hope they come over to Bolinas, or otherwise stop over every now and then for tea and biscuits ice cream and chocolate chip/oreo cookies.

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