07 August 2009 Friday
NPR had a segment this morning about a study that indicates that handling money makes people feel stronger. …
Even so, psychology’s a fascinating field/subject.
There’s a giant cicada on the outside of this building; I see it through my window. I’m glad it’s on the other side of the glass.
I know I’m bigger than it is, but it’s rather big for being little, and I’m not wearing remotely imposing shoes today.
Why should humans be the only creatures with souls?
So far today: part of an omelet, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate glazed donut.
Scala and Kolacny Brothers = really pretty.
I wouldn’t have known Twitter was down yesterday if Twitter peoples weren’t freaking out and bouncing off walls lamenting displacement. And then of course everyone had to Twitter about how freaked out they were by being unable to Twitter. Is funny.
I’m wearing ferrydust color today. Hm. That was not intentional.
I love labradorite.
This summer has flown by really, really quickly.
Everything’s relative. Everything counts a little more than we think.
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