29 November 2011 Tuesday
slated in mainstream at 8:11 pm
I met a kid (4.75 or 5.75 years old) last weekend whose favorite food is broccoli. Reallly? What is it you like about Broccoli? “EVERYTHING!” Even raw, apparently.
I think having an emphatic love for eating vegetables is an excellent early start in life. If broccoli makes him so happy, just imagine when he gets to know bacon. :)
(I have broccoli with my lunch today, which is why this came up now.)
Comments on Broccoli
Cheerful, generationally-disinherited youngsters. :) I hope they can all develop such a love for healthier foods. Medicine is lightyears away from providing cheap alternatives to the human body, so you have to make it last. If wisdom is proportional to age and we take (sometimes) SOOOOooo many years to truly mature, then this can be a challenge. Wise up, you little fat bastards. :)
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