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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

02 May 2005 Monday

sunday evening with the sun out

slated in moments at 2:38 am

lilacs are rather cool. so is cereal with a heavy dose of fresh strawberries in it.

and it’s nice to have cereal back in my life (particularly with the fresh fruit), since milk is somewhat of a rarity for me.. it’s just the way we were brought up.. milk is bad. and it is true..
my mother has spent some time trying to locate a place where we can get fresh, non-processed milk.. something about buying shares in a cow. i think it’s an excellent idea, and i’m looking forward to that finding.. i am hoping that the unprocessed cow’s milk will taste reasonably like store-bought milk, though.. unlike fresh soya bean milk, which tastes nothing like any soyabean milk from a store.

i like that it’s nearly 7:30pm right now and the sun is still pretty firmly out. I mean, it’s clearly fading — that midas glow is there.. but it’s still a nice time of day for a walk, or to play a quick final game of tennis or something.

but my tummy’s very full of curry and cereal right now.. and i’m currently lacking the preferred company for tennis or walking.

now going to make an attempt at creating/tackling playlist pages, and then showertime.

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