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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

06 May 2005 Friday

Lost stats; unhappiness

slated in molehills at 5:22 pm

Really unhappy about the loss of all the Textpattern Resources visitor stats from March til now. Not really anything I can do about it at this point; I managed to retore a backup that I had from February… Without that, there would be 0 stats. And yet it feels like that anyway. Momentum had been picking up too. And Urchin’s around, but I’ve never been able to get comfortable with looking at that, and I’m not sure that it’s possible to draw from that to output usable info on the site, such as the bbclone-related plugins are able to do to reveal popular articles and such. Anyway, I’m quite grumpy about his. Trying not to be. *sigh* Never trust anyone else at all with your backups. No matter what.

Moving along: serious phpmyadmin + txp password problems. But at least there’s no data to be lost here… When that’s eventually fixed, it should be fixed. The months of stats? Now unrecoverable.
gosh i’m unhappy about this.

Comments on Lost stats; unhappiness

  1. BBclone doesn’t keep statistics in the database, so it’s hard to make sure that the backups are complete. I’m starting to think that there ought to be an option for putting images into the database as well. I understand that there are options in MySQL for this. I don’t know what it does to speed though, or to the database server. Still, it might be kind of nice to have one-stop-shopping for backups.

    Urchin CAN give “popular” articles, but it takes a little more work to make it happen. Urchin records hits to “css.php” and other odds and ends and you have to sort of mentally filter those out before you get to the good stuff. BBclone is far better in getting most of the information you want right at your fingertips.
    commented Mon 09 May 2005, 8:39:59 PM :: link
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