10 June 2005 Friday
computer moved downstairs because overheats even in winter and now it’s pretty summer and my room is warmest and so much heat is badness.
will be in michigan for the weekend… family trip.. leave 4am friday til late late on sunday… so will have to switch my medium to paper for the while..
was a pretty day out today… but seems to have turned over to rain… rain’s not hear yet, but pretty dark clouds over.
should pack soon.
neighbors selling their house. i’m going to miss them. really. not that i’ve been any good about keeping in touch with them.. but such is my record in general recent years. all pretty traceable..
watson sent me [a video of] a spider eating a mouse. that’s not nice at all. but he also sent the mouse eating the cracker. that was damn cute.
alberto’s a whiny morning person. *whine whine whine whine* in a cute way though.
gotta pack gotta pack.
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