a: What’s the difference between these two rosés?
Waiter: Well, they’re both rosés so they’re going to be really similar.
a: ….
Waiter: One comes in a half bottle, the other one comes in a full bottle (as was clearly marked on the menu). But they’re both pretty much the same wine.
Two days ago, in the shower, I accidentally knocked over a shampoo bottle that dropped from ~head-height, landing cap-first onto my (right) foot.
It hurt lots, ow. I’m complaining about it here because 1) it’s my site and I’ll whine if I want to; 2) there’s a big, blue, bruise patch on my foot, yet the shampoo bottle was almost empty! what the heck!; 3) that was two days ago but it still hurts now, ow. It shouldn’t.
It’s ow.
Only input device at moment is my mouse. Rant/tirade will follow about m keybard/hardware/proprietary manfacturimg when I have my/a keboard working and atached again to this machine.
Stupid people are really stupid.
Well-known truth that some of the very worst things you can do to a relationship include: moving, buying a new house, rennovating, building, etc..
What the .
The Great Divorce is nonfiction??
...okay then.
i wish it weren’t 2:30am. or that waking didn’t have to be before 7:30am. hwell.
the Oberon poem from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
I know a bank where the while thyme blows
is a terrible thing to impose upon a 7th grader to memorize. What kind of 7th grade boy wants to be reciting a poem with the word “eglantine” in it to his class? What the hell is “eglantine”!?
it’s a truly horrible and disgusting excuse for a human who would not only bury someone alive, but bury them with fireants.