16 July 2012 Monday
Today I made a fresh blueberry & blackberry cake for Mom. I had two slices; she and Lor ate the rest—in one sitting.
Batman on imax within the week. Much yay :)
This is over my head but underneath my feet… I’m waiting for tonight, then waiting for tomorrow. And I’m somewhere in between what is real and just a dream.
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Today I made a fresh blueberry & blackberry cake for Mom. I had two slices; she and Lor ate the rest—in one sitting.
Batman on imax within the week. Much yay :)
Google’s merge of Circles contacts into my Gtalk and Gmail contacts is one of the worst things to ever happen in the history of ever. Just really bad.
I feel forced now to delete the majority of my circles, and sadness for me re: anyone that was worth keeping but were not in one of my “already knew this person before g+ so they definitely belong in my contact list and in fact are already there” circles; they’re all getting disappeared now. Sad but necessary. This is self-defense; I must save myself.
It was the right thing to do at the time. And, as predicted, I quite regret it now.
Josh and Me :)
at his book reading/signing at Politics & Prose.
I don’t know that he ever really stops smiling; he’s certainly contagious.
We’re halfway through already, but have been here all the while, and relevant still.. Welcome, December. I like smiling at you; thank you.
The best thing about this is that it passes. #backtobedmeanwhile
Beautiful wind graces quiet walls, blankets plush between my feet, and lovely darkness tucks me in. #goodnight