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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

When the ground starts moving beneath their feet, they reach for answers that seem solid, even if they are simplistic.


Playlist pieces

Were countless hours of pity like a blanket
that covered up the daylight from your soul?


i’ve got a story; it’s almost finished.. now all i need is someone to tell it to—maybe that’s you. .... you should just be here; be with me here. it doesn’t seem there’s hope for me—i let you down.. but i won’t give in now, not for any amount.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

03 December 2007 Monday

Give me my @&$* book!

slated in consumed, mood at 5:21 pm

I need my 2008 calendar.

Paperblanks 2008
French Ornate Dayplanner
Horizontal Mini Bleu

I’m going to kill something.

It’s December. I should have a 2008 calendar by now.

My 2007 calendar has been the excellent French Ornate Vert (green!) mini horizontal dayplanner that I’ve been very very happy with this year. Now I need the 2008. They (the general world/stores/internet search/shopping/places to buy things like 2008 calendars) have the green, but I already have the green. They have the blue in vertical, but I don’t bloody want the bloody vertical. GAH.

04 July 2007 Wednesday


slated in moments, mood at 12:17 am

Past several nights (after 5am last night, after 4am night before, sometime around 2 before that…) I’ve been getting to bed pretty woefully late… So at this point am pretty tired and sleepy at times, and it definitely shows physically… but I’ve been up for mostly good reasons, and have been quite productive with my time..
So I feel good about it.
Not too different from doing something I dislike doing, but feeling good about doing it.
So I look like a mess today, and I feel pretty sleepy, but I feel pretty good and excited at the same time.

30 June 2007 Saturday

what am I but my mind

slated in mused, mood at 8:45 pm

good/nice/great/fun < meaningful

22 June 2007 Friday

kept safe

slated in mood at 7:10 pm

some things, some things should be sacred

29 May 2007 Tuesday


slated in mused, mood at 6:40 am

too much stuff
trim.. keep and treasure essentials…
memory keeps most
time time time

23 May 2007 Wednesday


slated in mood, mused at 9:56 pm

10 May 2007 Thursday

slated in moments, mood at 9:52 am

it’s late. I’m overdue for bed.

27 November 2006 Monday


slated in mused, mood at 8:55 pm

My brother was home for Thanksgiving. He’d been away at school for the past many months.

04 November 2006 Saturday

slated in moments, mood at 2:42 am

Sleeping between 8-11:30am “at night” and odd hours the night before really doesn’t make for a happy, clear head..
So I’m taxing myself out a bit much.. and find that I’ll need to tax almost a bit more this weekend.

I had cream of mushroom soup today. That was good…though not quite as good as I remember as a child.

There’s a birthday party I’m missing tonight. I really wish I weren’t… But I couldn’t be able to

01 November 2006 Wednesday

slated in mood, moments at 8:53 am

… a few other hundred things also got done, but quite honestly I’m kind of not thinking so usefully at the moment.. won’t make it to 4am again tonight.. I think that’s okay though… should be good to go for tomorrow…. thank goodness for really helpful people, and thank goodness for really good people in general…. even if they unnecessarily freak out or otherwise seemingly keep out of place, they make the world a better place, and I am so glad for them.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives