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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

You have to start out learning to believe the little lies.
“So we can believe the big ones?”
Yes. Justice. Mercy. Duty. That sort of thing.
“They’re not the same at all!”


Playlist pieces

Light up, light up as if you have a choice.
… All I want is to find an easier way to get out of our little heads.
… Have heart, my dear, we’re bound to be afraid.


If this is real, let me walk you home again


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

04 May 2005 Wednesday


slated in site-building at 7:36 am

I have been diagnosed with Design Separation Anxiety.

Is that bad?

rxxx: i think i’ve learned that you get DSA

02 May 2005 Monday

Up and down

slated in site-building at 6:09 am

Playlists are up. this pleases me, because it’s all in nice lists format.. but all the content is actually messy articles in which i posted lyrics and comments are other stuff too…. but not to be seen on the playlists page! yay for css.. and yay for the <txp:article_id /> tag i’ve just discovered.

and comment forms are down. well, not down… but messier than they’re meant to be. i hear a plugin fix i on the way, so that should be all good. heh. i’m waiting for my [plugin]fix.

but mostly up.

01 May 2005 Sunday

May 1st rebooted

slated in site-building at 8:32 pm

New ferrydust design is open..

A lot of really beautiful sites opened up today. Go check them all out and give them props at the CSS Reboot and May 1 Reboot sites.

and maybe I can sleep tonight..

30 April 2005 Saturday

Day before fdv2 launch

slated in site-building at 6:44 pm

‘Looking at launching this tomorrow. Not nearly ready, of course, but ready enough that it can completely replace old ferrydust and i can be happier about it.

Anyway, pardon my dust. (I do like saying that.) :)

26 April 2005 Tuesday

RewriteRule ^$ index.html [L]

slated in site-building at 5:09 am

ie. allowing index.html despite textpattern’s obsession with index.php

thank you Andrew (aka ‘birthday boy’) for the line:
RewriteRule ^$ index.html [L]

Error reporting to cure what ails me

slated in site-building at 2:52 am

note to self:

when a site is completely broken,
go into the /etc/ folder, which is above /public_html/ .. open php.ini .. search for “error_reporting

14 April 2005 Thursday

Hiding the comments form in Textpattern

slated in site-building at 4:21 am

This is a brief documentation of a few of the steps I took to achieve a customized comments system..

i had stated in the forum that i would like to be able to:

have the comments show only when you click on 'comments', rather than having the comments and commentform (particularly) shown fully when on a single_article page.

so here's how i successfully managed this on mine...

05 April 2005 Tuesday

more on the CSS track

slated in site-building at 12:29 am

so far, I have found that

the following work in IE (and not in Opera, nor Firefox):
html*#name{seemingly shows in IE and Safari;}
* html #name{seemingly exclusive IE;}
html*#name{[this will be seen in IE and in Safari;]this will be seen only by IE;}
(i wonder whether it’s better to use ‘* html #name’, or ‘html*#name’ for getting IE’s attention?)

iCapture is a great tool for viewing your page once or twice… but to try to combat real css issues, it’s just not going to work out..
i’ll have to figure something else
or i’m going to have a page that’s severely demented in Safari. which is not having me thinking nice thoughts about the browser.

*12:58am on tues05apr: it seems a little bit of position:absolute goes a long way in opera. humph to that too.

04 April 2005 Monday

Update on the (stupid) blockquote thing

slated in site-building at 10:53 pm

referring to previous post:

not very surprisingly, floating the blockquote came back to majorly bite me in the behind. after a long while of wanting to kill things, i finally isolated the problem to be the blockquote float.. but now that i’ve removed the float, the previous problem has thoroughly returned. all my problems are in IE, mind you.. and probably safari too, but what i can’t see i can’t immediately attempt to tackle and further frustrate myself with.

03 April 2005 Sunday

Learning css/xhtml along the way

slated in site-building at 11:46 pm

xhtml standards has so many rules… in ‘strict’ apparently a <blockquote> must contain <p> tags.. good to be reminded about <cite> for inline quotes.. though sometimes you really just want a blockquote within a blockquote—which apparently thoroughly illegal in ‘standards-compliant’ xhtml world.

what else have i learned…

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