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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

Mahoney: Now we wait.
Magorium: No. We breathe, we pulse, we regenerate. Our hearts beat, our minds create, our souls injest.


Playlist pieces

Caught a bolt of lightning… curse the day he let it go.
And he who forgets will be destined to remember.
could’ve been something..


don't worry; i'll catch you
no need for reminding
you're still all that matters to me...


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

15 May 2005 Sunday

Southpark Mommy

slated in stuff at 6:57 pm

Not that my mom would have gone to bed any earlier anyway, and I should have already been sleeping too… but look what we stayed up to do:


that’s SouthPark-MyMom. the funnest thing about it is that she went into cute-Malaysian-expressions mode while picking characteristics.

reference to previous entry

Late Saturday ramble

slated in moments at 1:05 am

thunder is tapering off a bit, i think. i believe that under better weather conditions, there would still be a reasonable amount of daylight outside, but at the moment it’s looking like evening’s making a hasty entrance.

found out today that one of my cousins has a website. and another one just got his up today. i like that. it feels like they’re a little bit less far away now…

i’m planning on making a whole lot of cookies sometime in the next week. gotta take them with me for peoples at place. possibly/plausibly/certainly i shall consume some of them myself.

very glad to talk with Alberto today. no matter the content, it’s always most worthwhile.

i got a haircut yesterday.. mostly trim, but a bit more layering… but since i never do anything with my hair anyway, it’s prolly hard to tell.

Why is tomorrow sunday? another saturday would have been far more convenient.

i miss being in Asia.
do i miss the food and the prices, or the living on my own in a place with few ties?

i’m still waiting for certain email, and i owe someone a call back.

i’m going to get myself some icecream now.

on a sidenote:

Southpark Ali.

South Park Ali
created at Southpark Studio v2 via Rob.

Southpark family series continues…

14 May 2005 Saturday

Eating out of a box

slated in as so at 9:01 pm

Cheez-its and other snack foods of that sort should be poured onto a plate or something before consumption, so that you have a vauge idea of how much you’re eating at once. Straight out of the box, there’s no concept at all of how much you’re eating.

(Of course then i go and keep pouring out more when the plate is empty… but still a bit better than the alternative.)

happy Friday the 13th

slated in days at 2:33 am

it’s the only one this year.

12 May 2005 Thursday

hot house

slated in moments at 6:19 am

it is hot in my house bedroom

..because of weather stuff.

i’m probably going to be reiterating this point (complaining about the heat thing) many much more times through course of coming and current and waning summer.

But i'm thirsty

slated in moments at 5:17 am

nice dinner with Waws tonight…
much dehydrated; drank quite little water through day and don’t want to now, tho i’m quite thirsty, because i’m going to sleep sooner than later and will not want the dsturbtion of having to get up to the bthrm.

almost bought a new journal.. (black leather or brown leather?), but decided it was a bit too preemptive, since i’ve not reasonably completed the current one yet, though it is quite nearly done… i’ve written so sparsely this past year… increasingly i’m more a typer than writer.. increasingly i’m less a writer/typer… the thinking’s still there, at least,... but the placing on paper or digitalizing is not so much these days.

10 May 2005 Tuesday

Broken internet

slated in molehills at 4:18 am

Internet was dead this weekend in my house. Comcast issue. I’m not going to recount the blahness of dealing with comcast guy and the lengths gone to try to restore internet to this house. Whatever it is, i’m glad it’s back on today.

06 May 2005 Friday

Lost stats; unhappiness

slated in molehills at 5:22 pm

Really unhappy about the loss of all the Textpattern Resources visitor stats from March til now. Not really anything I can do about it at this point; I managed to retore a backup that I had from February… Without that, there would be 0 stats. And yet it feels like that anyway. Momentum had been picking up too. And Urchin’s around, but I’ve never been able to get comfortable with looking at that, and I’m not sure that it’s possible to draw from that to output usable info on the site, such as the bbclone-related plugins are able to do to reveal popular articles and such. Anyway, I’m quite grumpy about his. Trying not to be. *sigh* Never trust anyone else at all with your backups. No matter what.

Moving along: serious phpmyadmin + txp password problems. But at least there’s no data to be lost here… When that’s eventually fixed, it should be fixed. The months of stats? Now unrecoverable.
gosh i’m unhappy about this.

05 May 2005 Thursday


slated in days at 4:50 pm

Happy May 5, 2005.

(next year’s 6.6.6… oooh… this is supposed to be a very dangerous year and next few, neh?
but cinco de mayo in 2005! that’s either auspicious, or just simply fun. either way. tread is mexican. and has a llama.)

04 May 2005 Wednesday

Dukong? Yukon?

slated in dreams at 10:00 pm

i wish i had written this down while it was still “clear” in my head this morning… something about the span of land/water across the midwest and the west and the pacific ocean…we know as the Du-kong, or something.. Texas was up in there too somehow… and something about how the Chinese call the similar area around there “Yu kong” .. and you can see the obvious connection between, but i’d never really noticed before.

What on earth does it mean?!?

Everything is safely stored in the Archives