04 July 2005 Monday
Happy 4th of July
He loved you.
But he didn’t give up anything to do it. What kind of love is that?
I’m convinced — giving in is the worst thing there is.
...Everybody here has loved and lost, so level up and love again. … If you lift your eyes, I am your brother.
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Context trumps content.
and in a proper world, Intent trumps action.
Ramble on these matters have been rambled much on paper in past... currently surfaced and mulling in my head.Delayed playlist gathered from a good songs from a number of months ago, and a few from a bit longer ago, and a few more recent
Jeremy Kay – Have It All
Maybe it’s too soon to be sure but I really do believe that some day we’re gonna have it all.
my australian/malaysian family (minus the ever-so-cool and missed Kimley) will arrive from japan in a couple hours and be around for a couple weeks…
big garden party here on sunday..family friends..
some key things got done this week… a few other key ones rolling properly and are due attention this week… and still other things will have to be refound and caught up to proper place somehow.
room being adjusted a bit rightfully… will have to be even more drastic in the next couple weeks.
sitting next to the airconditioning vent doesn’t seem to quelch the heat of this laptop. incredible the amount of heat BlueBytes generates. and still plays pretty properly.
and a certain someone’s home in… whoa—in a week! is that right? ! one week! :) i can count that on my hands. sweet.
more housecleaning to do in preparation for the first two mentioned items.
cherries in the kitchen: yum :)
i put in my resignation at my 9-5+ job… it’s horrible timing for them, but it’s necessary for me…
other projects and personal matters take priority.
clearing house for sale? leaving country for a few months?
will do, and likely..
got to see some old coworkers from ~6-7 years ago… apparently i am the same as they remember me “a tiny little thing”. … it was very good to see them. some dear faces were missing from there, but maybe i can still find them at least to say hello.
a very old friend from kindergarten days said hi online yesterdayish, with a photo of herself…. so wonderful to see old friends from a different lifetime, grown up and having lived whole lifetimes without you…
i’ve been so very out of touch… and i am sorry for it, but not regretful… it’s not really something to have done differently… it’s just..largely the way things have been; the way i have been.
i think i can safely say that everyone who matters to me (who is still alive) is healthy and well.
and that makes me happy.
and it’s Amit’s birthday. that’s good too.
it’s way past my intended bedtime for a few reasons.. but it has been a good, simple day.. many more complicated ones to come shortly..
goodnight nowish.
June 25th.. 1981.. Houston, Texas
What else to say when everything has either been said, is outdated, or lacking context?
You are one of the best people I know.
Everything =’||.;|^-;_|=^|| is w=’||=|||.;^|-||-t=’|||-^|.
I wish you a very happy birthday, Amit, and the happiest every day possible.
aaaaahhhg! bad person! I can’t wish you happy birthday on time if you don’t tell me when your birthday is. For EVERYone’s records now, Mark’s birthday is June 11th. well…. i..hope you had a nice birthday…. because you are a nice person.. and nice people should have nice birthdays….. even when they don’t tell you ahead of time when their birthday is!
okay i’m so over it.
Mark, you are a lovely, amusing, intelligent, non-cancerous, delightful individual and I’m sincerely glad to have made your online acquaintance. Thank you.
I’ll wish you happy birthday on time next year.
some “yes it’s obvious but i’m thinking about it anyway” rambling, for a bit:
Writing in a blog is really not like writing in a journal. In the pages of a journal, you can write about work and your boss and your clients; relationship doubts and problems; frustrations with parents, inlaws, siblings;
Even better if you can keep that journal safely under lock and key, or write it in a language no one else can read.
No such thing online.