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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

The world doesn’t go away just because you want it to.

Playlist pieces

What giving up gives you, and where giving up takes you..
I’ve had and I’ve been.


It all depends on whether we are watching it dissolve or fade in and begin.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

27 January 2004 Tuesday

my MT-Do rank

slated in stuff at 5:53 pm

heh. look: even an MT survey.. nice and brief.

2. Dan Black Belt

The path that lies behind you is now longer than the path that lies ahead. But, the path ahead as a MT-Ka is a narrower road, one that is harder to walk. By now, you are probably aware of your limitations, and you strive daily to become better.

Take the MT-Do test

that’s really very gratifying.. though really quite off, methinks.. i guess i’m getting through alright, but black belt? really? only two bars though. i guess that’s reasonable.


slated in site-building at 5:27 pm

humph! fixed in two minutes what spent me hours last night trying to find and figure out on contentsub page. i only just read that article that states creative thinking is dependent on sleep. hwell!

another improperly-slept night

slated in site-building, moments at 7:32 am

alright, so i didn’t even really try to sleep early/at a decent hour this time…

no one was around to keep me company and therefore encourage me to also sleep, and even so, my plan was to work on the contentsub concept page up til about 2am, tops. but i got really stuck with two errors on it.. and it’s now pretty much 4:30am and i still don’t have one of the errors solved (the last, stupid thing.. the double vertical line up at the top displays properly in IE, but not in opera… which is a bit of a turnaround, since everything else has been looking even better in opera than in IE…). but i’m gonna toss that for tonight, and try to resist trying to fix it first thing in my day. i really do have other things to work on. and i have been. i just don’t get stuck on them like on this. there’s some passion here; self-motivated anyway..it has to be; there’s no other motivation for this.

i’m gonna have to clean my room eventually.

g’night. (the really sucky thing is, i’m tired, but not sleepy. so despite the unhappy hour, i’ll prolly be awake, lying in bed fora while.. again.)

out with tagboard

slated in site-building at 5:19 am

…now i’m not really sure… but i was still getting popups occasionally, with sitemeter out… the only thing left to kill would be the tagboard.. and that’s fine… so it’s gone for now… it could be my browser’s fault for all of this… we’ll see, anyway… i had planned to move tagboard to an isolated popup window or something, anyway. and it’s not like anyone’s seeing this site as of yet anyway, and the only person who does, never tags me anyhow.. so that’s aiight.

out with sitemeter

slated in site-building at 12:57 am

sitemeter seems to have been responsible for giving my site popups. which is not acceptable. even if the total amount of people dealing with this site, is 2. popups, without direct permission/instruction from me, should not ever ever appear as a result of anything i orchestrate. so it’s out. …please see the next post in regard to this matter

26 January 2004 Monday

boo to the snow

slated in moments at 7:10 pm

boo to the snow that does not shovel itself. especially those particular snows that blanket the world’s longest driveway, and don’t even bother to shut down the federal government so that deserving people can stay home from work. bad snow. bad.

25 January 2004 Sunday

me saying hi

slated in moments at 9:50 pm

not really anything specific to say right now… i haven’t been drinking much water lately, and especially today. it hasn’t started properly snowing yet, as far as i know; need it to snow much to shut down government for at least tomorrow so that much-loved people can get much-deserved rest. and i’m gonna go get some water now.

24 January 2004 Saturday

perpetually preparing for company

slated in moments at 5:22 pm

another chinese new year dinner tonight, at home, with family friends.. so much to be done as always. spending a while outside, shoveling the centimeter of snow off of our sub-mile-long driveway, and then sweeping thoroughly the side steps and front walkway… my fingers are only now beginning to thaw out. grrr/brrr i dunno that i’ll ever be a fan of the cold. tho this snow is very soft and pretty and flurryish and… we should just get a whole bunch more tomorrow so people can be home from work/school on monday, and let the sun take care of clearing it off the driveway when necessary. hey, the weather put the snow and ice there; the weather can take it back. = a proper rule of being responsible for your influence on the environment: leave things the way they were before you came.

smilies in the comments :)

slated in site-building at 3:05 pm

a big thankyou to Jennifer for her script and assistance in putting smilies on my comment forms. what happiness. i’ll probably put them in my regular entries at some point too.. for now.. i am simply pleased.

happy birthday daddy

slated in moments at 4:07 am


and to Matt :)

Everything is safely stored in the Archives