17 September 2006 Sunday
Thank you
I am grateful for the grace I have been given.
“If we do what is necessary, all the odds are in our favor.”
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
I am grateful for the grace I have been given.
Uhh… seriously.. what?
I never needed light to see you.
William Fitzsimmons – Funeral Dress, My Life ChangedI could be happy if I take control but I’m out of control trying to make believe I’m happy.
solving one problem leads to creating new …things that are immediately solved so they’re not problems at all..
…really really.
It’s not time or timing.. just the right initiation and right response. Just right.
I remember this; I’m good at this :) Really really.
Home sweet home.
I think I’ll fall asleep pretty quickly tonight.
..Which I guess will be helpful with the waking up early and being really productive since I wasn’t home to do it today but have much that I have to and want to do.
Today’s the 13th. It did pretty well.
Had a …darn what was it called… Jamba Juice? maybe? Hadn’t tried one before. Citrus Bliss… wasn’t quite as orangey as I was in the mood for, but a good solid smoothie nonetheless. There should be SO many more smoothie parlors around than there are.
‘Fidelity’ stuck in my head for the past few hours. I’d prefer it unzany, but nonetheless..
Steve Jobs/Apple presented their refreshed/new product line showcased by Engadget (from yesterday, Sept. 12)
Matt Nathanson – I Saw
Death Cab for Cutie – Summer Skin
Charlotte Martin – Veins
Braddigan – Sweet Uncertain