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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

Humility isn’t actually humility unless you’re good enough at something to be humble.


Playlist pieces

i know you try your hardest to give me what i need;
you show me where your heart is; mine needs time to breathe
it may not broken, but it's far from fine...
the sweetest words you've spoken will help it mend in time...


Things don’t get solved for nothing and things don’t get better from sitting around.
Nothing's going to get better until you pick up and start.
All words mean less, the more you hear—nothing goes away with more time.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

04 March 2023 Saturday

Bunny year

at 5:36 pm

March 2023 already. There’s always more than words can say; failing to keep up with words is increasingly okay.

27 May 2022 Friday

at 12:20 pm

From wonderful to wonder at how some people choose to view their world; I’m so grateful for my view and what I choose and the gift of that distinction; the distinctive gift of a life my own

12 May 2022 Thursday

Playlist 04/2022 - 06/2022

slated in playlists at 7:15 pm

Escape PlanBrightest Star in the Night Sky
KodalineThe Riddle, Hide and Seek
OK Rock
LiontideWe Belong
Gerry Cinnamon – Sometimes
Armin van Buuren & David Hodges – Waking Up With You

19 February 2022 Saturday

Playlist 12/2021 - 02/2022

slated in playlists at 7:19 pm

Josh RitterFeels Like Lightning [A.V.C.]
Dave Bayley & Henry JackmanNew Friends
JosephWhite Flag
Bleachers – Like a River Runs

01 January 2022 Saturday

Happy New Year!

The month January was named for the Roman god of doorways and beginnings. Cheers to a brilliant 2022 for all! <3

27 October 2021 Wednesday

Pixel 6 Pro thoughts

slated in consumed at 1:16 am

Some offhanded Google Pixel 6 Pro thoughts, before I have it in hand:

Finally ! respectable storage amount available. Seems a bit small for today’s day and age, yet four times better than last year, which was definitely at least 3 years out of date.

I’ve been excited about the camera, however not excited to hear that a lot of its abilities are dependent on specific shooting modes: you have to have that specific mode running while taking the picture. Grr. Other phones have excellent macro lenses these days; no such thing from Pixel. Grr. Sounds like the impressive low-light abilities still depend on long hold-steady-for-the-open-shutter times. Grr.

It will be interesting to adjust back to a big phone, after the small Pixel 5; I was a big-phone person always before — I like having lots of screen real estate. I also like being able to put my phone in my pocket. ::Sad about losing the latter.

22 October 2021 Friday

Comparing Spigen cases

slated in consumed at 9:04 pm

I’m deciding on a case for the Pixel 6 Pro, very probably a Spigen. In my experience, Spigen cases are very reliably form-fitting, thin, while providing fair protection given their slim size. I don’t need heavy/rugged protection, I prefer thin and lightweight, although I appreciate a bit of protection so that my phone can survive the occasional fall without incident.

Spigen Rugged Armor for Pixel 6 Pro: full coverage, thin, multiple textures, physically flexible material, feels protective, feels good and gripped well in hand
Spigen Liquid Air for Pixel 6 Pro: full coverage, thinnest, textured, physically flexible material
Spigen Ultra Hybrid for Pixel 6 Pro: full coverage, good firmness, thin while providing protection
Spigen Thin Fit for Pixel 5: full coverage, good firmness, thin while providing protection
Spigen Liquid Crystal for Pixel 3XL: full coverage, good firmness, good look though slightly thicker/plastic feel
Spigen Rugged Armor for Pixel 2XL: full coverage, good feel, thin while providing protection
Spigen Thin Fit for Pixel 2XL: limited coverage: many open gaps around buttons, rubbish protection, prone to breakage

01 May 2021 Saturday

slated in prose/poetry at 10:26 pm

My dear snow globe mind
flurries swirl I sit patient
my self becomes clear

10 March 2021 Wednesday

Playlist 02 - 05/2021,

slated in playlists at 12:22 am

Seven Billion DotsMaybe I
Rick and MortyDon’t Look Back (feat. Kotomi & Ryan Elder)
Said the WhaleUnamerican; Record Shop
KotomiA Good Thing; Free
Chaos ChaosDo You Feel It
Joywave – Tongues (RAC Remix)
Charlotte MartinThe Dance

26 October 2020 Monday

Comparing the Bose NC700 and the Sony WH-1000XM4

slated in mainstream, consumed at 7:50 pm

TL;DR The sound through either of these headphones is fine, solid noise-cancelling, fairly comfortable, the software has notable issues and my user experience with both has been frustrating; UX a bit worse with the Sony, call quality is bad with the Sony especially for the person on the other end of the call.

Update, seven months later: I’m definitely not happy with either of them, though I enjoy several parts of life much better with good noise-cancelling headphones on. If I had to do it over again, I would choose the Bose for slightly better UX and significantly better phone calls (particularly for the experience of the person on the other end, blocking out unwanted background noise on my end).

Update ~13 months later: Sony is an Awful experience I will definitely not put myself through this again. Noise-cancelling is great, experience is awful.

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