13 June 2019 Thursday
How did we ever defend ourselves without vacuum cleaners
Little things with tiny legs should not be allowed to move so fast
How did we ever defend ourselves without vacuum cleaners
and sneakers
This is over my head but underneath my feet… I’m waiting for tonight, then waiting for tomorrow. And I’m somewhere in between what is real and just a dream.
...I’d walk the world for her, she couldn’t walk me a mile.
She couldn’t walk me a mile.
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Little things with tiny legs should not be allowed to move so fast
How did we ever defend ourselves without vacuum cleaners
and sneakers
The Gregory Brothers – Tosche Station
Jukebox the Ghost – Colorful; Fred Astaire; Time and I
Ani Difranco – Fuel; 32 Flavors
Blue October – I Hope You’re Happy
Nahko and Medicine For The People – Black as Night
Dodie – Secret for the Mad; Burned Out
Sufjan Stevens – Love Yourself; With My Whole Heart
Jamie Cullum – For the Love “Everybody’s fighting battles that you don’t know anything about.”
The Ballroom Thieves – Archers
Past Me lowercased things and herself for a looong time. I appreciate that she consciously stopped doing that, at least in text. It’s a visual and marked difference.
(‘Split the difference on the tense.)
Who penned the quote “a difference to be a difference must make a difference”? I don’t know; I like it. I also like “Living is a thing you do now or never—which do you?” That one’s Piet Hein.
The dress I wanted to wear on Saturday, for alllll the previous week, was remarkably hiding on Saturday and turned up only today; it did very good hiding. I wonder where when it wants to be worn instead.
When I decide to bedtime, it’s typically about two hours later that I get myself to bed. Unsolved mystery.
I don’t know how to comment on the show that eeeeveryone is watching and discussing, without a due rant about direwolves.
Still happies: buttered popcorn, baby bunny in the grass, bluebirds of happiness, super soft pants, super soft things, redox molecules, gaming glasses, really raw honey, hellions, calling them hellions.
Passed three sets of hellions on the path home, walking today. And a bluebird that I didn’t quite recognize about midway walk. And a titmouse or two. And woodducklings paddling in the distance with at least half a dozen adult male woodducks about. And babyish bunny, possibly first of the season.
Dear friends are in flight, with family, on their own, planning, smiling, wondering, hoping. And I am late to the early sleeping game I was aiming to play. And I am very well, and happy.
I am really surprised I never noted Ani DiFranco’s Fuel here, neither complete lyrics nor excerpt. I have referenced it, at least in 2007; feels underrepresented, given how much it’s cycled through my head the past many years.
Why is EVERYONE constantly making any two people a romantic ship these days if they’re seen on screen together for all of two seconds? It is Not sane and it has Bad implications for the real world, and assumptions and approaches and expectations and interpretations. Two happy seconds with a person does Not mean a whole thing.
Westworld said timshel! Anthony Hopkins said timshel. ::happy me::
I have seen you in various stages of undress;
Dearest will ever be when you told me.
—when it was true, and so were you.
SO MANY ALL the things. Podcasts, library books, books on my shelves, streaming audio, friends’ content, news programs, stories, educational programs, ETC.
Too many all the things. I cannot all the things.
Tyler Lyle – Lost & Found
D’Mentes feat. Lai Si – Todo Tu Amor
DJ Khalil – Elevate (Elephant!)
Lori McKenna – Mamas Cooking
Ben Rector – Brand New
dodie – Human; Arms Unfolding
Orla Gartland – Overthinking
Lauren Aquilina – King
Great Lake Swimmers – Various Stages
Dodie Clark, Orla Gartland, Tessa Violet, Lauren Aquilina – Crazy Human Psycho Crush mashup