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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

Like she was my oldest, dearest friend. The kind of person you can tell anything to, no matter how bad, and they’ll still love you, because they know you.

Playlist pieces

Half the time goes by, suddenly you’re wise.. another blink of an eye …

there’s never a wish better than this, when you’ve only got 100 years to live. time for just another moment and I’m just dreaming… counting the ways to where you are.


Just turn around; turn away from me… before i lose my head. just turn around but remember me, and how you left me dead inside….
we were gonna be different; now where did those dreamers go?
i was the one who’d paint the stars and watched you while you slept. you were the one who held my heart and smiled as it leapt inside.. ...

Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

01 January 2003 Wednesday

x.looking forward to new year

slated in moments at 5:27 pm

i head back over to ohio this weekend… the last time i was there was last fall… so… that makes it over a year since i was there? hm. i’m looking forward to it a bit more than i thought, actually.. which is a bit unusual… i try to avoid the whole “looking forward” to things… particularly this last couple of years. i know certain people will protest to my saying so, but the whole “no expectations” thing generally is a good thing.. even if it doesn’t wholly work. pizza’s cooking. i’m starving. bring back the sun and the clear skies. 2003’s never been here before…

06 December 2002 Friday

slated in moments at 9:55 pm

a bit cold,
a bit annoyed,
quite alright.

05 December 2002 Thursday

x.snow and happiness

slated in moments at 4:11 am

there’s snow on the ground.  who knows how much will still be there when i wake up (not that it’s quite knee-deep right now as it is) but i’ll go to sleep knowing

that there is snow outside my window, blanketing my driveway;

that my daddy will be napping at home tomorrow,

that my mommy will be in a playing mood (tho she’ll tell me to shovel the driveway),

that my grandmother will tell me my wish for snow was granted,

and that my brother will be waking me up to play in the morning, saying “chal!! challo! wake-up-o! challo!”

how happy is that?

30 November 2002 Saturday

x.dream: asian store

slated in dreams at 6:44 pm

dream: asian store, different treats in same basket, class.. sitting.. one person sitting in front, one sitting behind… mumbling.. talking… sitting elsewhere.. a round laminated piece of art/work that is familiar.. signed by else.. by me on back; i keep.. familiar/representative identities.. japanese the asian store? keep wanting to say ‘thankyou’ but undecided on language…

cambodian temple this morning… then out till late afternoon having mommy-daughter time.. sun leaves so fast…

26 November 2002 Tuesday

x.word association test

slated in stuff at 5:42 am

we know how i like to take these ‘identity’-type test things more than once to confirm… well.. apparently, my compatibility with my own self goes like this:

SimilarMinds.com Compatibility Test

Your match with alicson you are 72% similar you are 98% complementary
How Compatible are You with me?
and furthermore… apparently:
I have issues with…
history x2
pain x2
religion x2

Take Word Association Test

25 November 2002 Monday


slated in dreams at 5:56 pm

dream: classroom… baby… group counselling/legal session.

beaUtiful day.

24 November 2002 Sunday


slated in dreams at 4:40 pm

lots of dreams. something moving into chestertown again… furniture not being sufficient for my usual room setup.. roommate is handicapped (wheelchair).. end up considering changing sides of the room (i usually always keep to the same spot i’ve had plotted and lived in so long/previously)....  segment about going to the diner and taking the freshmen to the upperclassmen diner (something about my friends not knowing i’m back yet… so i’ll run into them whenever)...  something about being found by an agent of good or something and being turned over to specific side… then her daughter is attacked by an agent of bad because she wasn’t supposed to interfere with peoples’ paths and directions… turns out i have some power (like energy rays/telekinetics) and potential for real influential power..  ...those are the gists of it..

22 November 2002 Friday

x.harmonizing horses site

slated in stuff at 5:05 pm

suggested by tread… really is rather fun http://svt.se/hogafflahage/hogafflaHage_site/Kor/hestekor.swf

21 November 2002 Thursday

x.and i slept past noon

slated in moments at 4:33 pm

my throat hurts lots. too much chocolate-eating lately, i guess.  my god my bed feels so good… i only left it cuz i’m feeling a bit guilty about sleeping into the 1 and 2 o’clock zones of the day.  eels - fresh feeling still being heavily played on my list.

x.listening to 'needs'

slated in lyrics at 7:29 am

ending the night with this.. ‘Collective Soul’ – Needs

“all around me, i see what weakness has made. too much tomorrow.. i think i’ll take all today.  am i a poison? am i a thorn in the side? am i a picture-perfect subject tonight?  here i slumber to awaken my daze.. i find convenience in this savior i save.. am i a prison? am i a source of bad news? am i picture-perfect reason for you?  in this time of substitute, it’s my needs i’ve answered to all the while.. and all the hope that i invest… turns to signals of distress, all the while.  i don’t need nobody.. i don’t need the weight of words to find a way to crash on through..  i don’t need nobody.. i just need to learn the depth or doubt of faith to fall into.”

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