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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.”

Playlist pieces

“Keep your head up, keep your love…”

enough to make it seem like I was only there long enough to disappear…


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

04 April 2008 Friday


slated in molehills at 7:26 am

Two days ago, in the shower, I accidentally knocked over a shampoo bottle that dropped from ~head-height, landing cap-first onto my (right) foot.
It hurt lots, ow. I’m complaining about it here because 1) it’s my site and I’ll whine if I want to; 2) there’s a big, blue, bruise patch on my foot, yet the shampoo bottle was almost empty! what the heck!; 3) that was two days ago but it still hurts now, ow. It shouldn’t.
It’s ow.

02 April 2008 Wednesday

DailyKos discussing the purchase of Antioch College

slated in mainstream at 5:12 pm

Posted yesterday: Can we kossacks buy a College? Update

This sounds like April fools but it’s not. today Ella H posted this http://www.dailykos.com/… about the sale of Antioch college. I am proposing that we, as kossacks, buy it! …

According to a comment below, the college is not actually for sale, but the current admins are trying actively to kill it so the assets can be sold. Accckkk!

DailyKos has always been a great community — a great site even before it was a full community — so it’s nice to see some attention there on this subject. Some good comments and a bit of background information on the situation of Antioch College and its destruction threatened by the University system it founded, so I won’t go into additional explanation here. It’s a pretty confusing situation, but the bottom line is that Antioch College should be saved, and the University system has not offered any reassurance that they are interested in the well-being and sustainability of the College as the bastion of liberal arts education that it has been for over 150 years.

*edit: I think tsanford put this very well, referring to the article in the Chronicle

the state of Trustees: they have taken on the role of a Board of Directors and seek to cut the educational model to keep institutions afloat rather than fulfill their duty to raise some money.

01 April 2008 Tuesday

the whole point of a raincoat

why does J.Crew hate hoods?

slated in consumed at 9:05 pm
J.Crew Hoodless Raincoat

Dear J.Crew,
you know (to the sadness of my wallet) that I love you.. but what the HECK is the point of a raincoat withOUT a hood!?

It doesn’t even make sense!

31 March 2008 Monday

Castles in the sand, nightingales in the floor

Toward higher, dryer, solid ground.

slated in mused at 10:42 pm

I used to be able to drink a lot more in my younger days. I never did it often.. but even sparsely with friends, I don’t seem to be so keen on downing a glass of anything anymore.

I guess one does sort of grow out of those things… or maybe I just haven’t been in the mood. …
I think age and time, for the most part, makes us temperate.

Pillage the Village

things that are grey rather than pure "good"....

slated in consumed at 9:14 pm

There’s a game on Kongregate called Pillage the Village.

I’m a bit disconcerted by how addicting it apparently is to meanly murder and steal from cheeky and spunky little villagers. And it probably doesn’t say the best of things about me that I am frustrated about being unable to make practical use of the fires and wooden posts propped about the scene…

/. Study Shows Males Commonly Mistake Sexual Intent

slated in mused, mainstream at 6:54 am

Sent by a friend

Study Shows Males Commonly Mistake Sexual Intent
seattle-pk writes “Males are apparently clueless when it comes to interpreting sexual intent from females…. If you’re a male who ever mistook the meaning of a barista’s smile, looks like you’re not alone.”

The news is not new. Guys misinterpret; girls are vague/confusing.
But.. sometimes a girl is not vague, and the guy does not misinterpret.

Playlist 03/24 - 03/30/2008

slated in playlists at 6:30 am

The Last Five Years Soundtrack [link]
Ben’s Brother – Let Me Out
Imogen Heap – Headlock [lyrics]
Sara Bareilles – Love Song
Damien Rice – 9 Crimes
Death Cab for CutieYour Heart is an Empty Room
Soul Coughing – The Idiots Kings
Feist – Mushaboom (Postal Service Mix)
A Fine Frenzy – Come On, Come Out [lyrics]
Duffy – Mercy (embedded video link broke)
Tina Dico – Count to Ten [lyrics]
Dar Williams – The Beauty of the Rain

Ramble / grey

slated in mused at 5:53 am

I think the “I hate China” comments have tapered off. Hurrah! I’m still bewildered all around by it.

Despite the cause for suggestion, I’m not actually thinking less than I used to… I’m just not trying as hard to push those thoughts toward conclusions.

I’ve realized that, after finally finishing Neverwhere (Gaiman) a couple of weeks ago (after reading it off and on and between other books for the past several months), I haven’t really picked up another book regularly most probably because I can’t decide which book to read next. Rather sad to be overwhelmed by leisure reading.
This morning I happily digested a story from Dreamsongs (R.R. Martin) .. I think it was called The Lost Lands.

I really liked that R.R. Martin put into words (perhaps a bit more plainly/thoroughly than necessary..) the concept of grey and shadow being where strength and power lie. It’s not in pure white or black, good or bad, day or night. I remember arguments with a friend in college who believed very vehemently in the power of pure good and its simple strength in the face of evil, always. (He’s changed his mind since then, whether my arguments won out or not.)

what I've learned

slated in mused, quotes at 5:21 am

“in a world where there is no right or wrong, everyone’s relatively right. everything matters. care is not the same as love. real love is not selfish. strife is based on miscommunication or refusal to communicate. not everyone can trust themselves. a person’s life and will is not just their own. ice cream is one of the fundamental substances of happiness. sense of self-responsibility paramounts all other personal traits. having faith is not the same as resigning to fate. everything will always ultimately be okay.”

17 March 2008 Monday

Playlist 03/15 - 03/17/2008

slated in playlists at 6:16 pm

Coldplay – Ladder to the Sun
Charlotte Martin
Alexandre Desplat and Aaron Zigman – Dancing

Everything is safely stored in the Archives