tag: people
there's someone like you
:: 06/11/17
:: 07/10/12
Disaster strikes
:: 03/12/11
knowing is half the battle. the other half is...
:: 09/04/08
life is two things
:: 05/28/08
:: 07/13/07
good night
:: 09/24/06
happy birthday Kai o^_^o
:: 09/05/06
It's not what people say, it's what they do.
:: 09/04/06
:: 08/12/06
Happy Birthday Wawson o^_^o
:: 08/01/06
Happy birthday Toby o^_^o
:: 07/04/06
hungry hungry hippo
:: 06/29/06
Happy Birthday Austin o^_^o
:: 06/05/06
:: 06/19/05
happy birthday Austin o^_^o
:: 06/06/05
Colxxx, jumxxx: final exam calculated
:: 03/10/05
matt: awesome winword
:: 03/04/05
After bears and blankets
:: 02/27/05
Churchill H.S. Wins Football Regionals
:: 11/14/04
happy birthday Anahi and Mr. Rivera o^_^o
:: 11/13/04
Happy Birthday dear Tarsia o^_^o
:: 11/11/04
Happy Birthday darling Yan o^_^o
:: 11/09/04
Remi: I don't mind rambles
:: 11/05/04
Bill Watterson: finding a cure for jerks
:: 11/26/02
x.not much, but someone got yelled at
:: 11/20/02
skywalker, NDN: who, you, two, blue
:: 06/06/01
are u disrepecting cheese wedges
:: 04/03/01
my info makes no sense
:: 01/02/01
i'm partial to kiwi strawberry passion
:: 12/10/00
S.R.: i said BOO
:: 11/11/00
which alicson is this?
:: 10/16/00
keep all this talk between us
:: 10/01/00
ice cream sundae joshers
:: 05/05/00
sometimes i just don't understand you
:: 04/30/00
cafeine and ritalin help me now
:: 04/04/00
Everything is safely stored in the Archives