They would twirl the emotional kaleidoscope until it gave them a picture that was comfortable.
From Washington Post article How the Brain Helps Partisans Admit No Gray by Shankar Vedantam on 31 July 2006, quoting Emory University psychologist Drew Westen [via, source]
i’ve got a story; it’s almost finished.. now all i need is someone to tell it to—maybe that’s you. .... you should just be here; be with me here. it doesn’t seem there’s hope for me—i let you down.. but i won’t give in now, not for any amount.
...If you always knew the truth, then the world would spin around you — are you dizzy yet?
If there’s something left to lose, then don’t let me wear out my shoes — I’m still walking.
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map