29 June 2007 Friday
Comments section
Had forgotten to mention: last week I set up the Comments page. Have been wanting to do that for a while.
Having problem with the comments date display — kept showing today’s date rather than actually comment posted date. Strange, because code I’m using is same as on the Textpattern Resources page, and that works great, and it otherwise seems set up properly to work, but does not.
So I’ve removed date display altogether for now.
Amit was kind enough to modify his asv_recent_comments plugin to allow for exclusing a specific post’s comments from showing up in the recent comments list. That excluded post is, of course, the most popularly-commented on this site: the I hate China post. :: shakes my head in light disapproval, disbelief, resignation ::
This site doesn’t really get that many comments, but it’s nice to have a central spot (non-admin side) to view them.
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