Private swimming pool (well-heated) on the balcony of the hotel room.. That’s the main thing I remember. Spent a while deliberating around that.. Was very current, because observed what I was actually wearing when I went to sleep. Others were out.. A friend was in earlier part of dream, in car with me.
Was a really beautiful day.
New show I like: Kyle XY
Yes, it’s a bit elementary since it’s from ABC’s Family channel, but I love watching the “blank slate” try to interpret and learn human lifestyle. Nonsensicals like “time” and “lying” and “sarcasm”.
I’m definitely ready for bed tonight. *sleepy*
My parents are… two of the greatest things in the world.
Gah… just remembered a few things I have to do before bed…..
...I really like my Winamp’s choices on Random.
Really interesting dream. I like the way my mind works.
The plot twist surprised me, but it made very good sense of the pieces at hand.
Trying to find a song that says all at once what I mean.
shuffling through ten thou. songs is yielding no results.. usually reliable artists are failing me this time.
well, lunchtime.
slated in
mused at 7:46 pm
Some things and some people are worth caring about.
And some simply aren’t.
Doesn’t matter where the good goes, once it’s gone.
Jennifer Lopez had a brief cameo in the Xmen movie.. Mom noticed it.. had to rewind to see…
Robin Williams had a brief background cameo also.
That was all really random.
A neat setting in an oceanish enviornment.. cool building over the water.. commercial space for rent.. very rustic style.. clean.. kind of currently laid out as a restaurant..
Snow Crash ended abruptly, but the ending was not really worse than the rest of it had promised. Tons of excess verbage from cover to cover. But I liked the premises, settings, and characters… Aside from the much excess of it (not so many words necessary to tell the story), I liked it. I’d really like it as a a well-done (multipart?) movie.
setting was key in last night’s dream..
a multi-story house, already many “stories” high, on a long pole like a redwood tree.. in a village in the canopy of a semi-dense population of similar houses.. some rickety.. some firmer.. all very rustic.
Hello rain… where’ve you been?
My mother went out to visit a friend in California last week.. She came back with lots of new things.. and introduced me to a new very good friend…