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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

04 November 2008 Tuesday

Amazon customer service/return policy

slated in consumed at 6:19 pm

I just have to sing a bit of praise for Amazon’s customer service setup and their return policy/website organization. It’s good. all of it. Actually, it’s great.

Instead of calling a number and waiting through endless automated menus or hold music, you dial a number and hang up and they’ll call you back with a live person.

If you need to return something, you simply print a return label (very organized, easy to get to, easy to refer to if you need to print again elsewhere) and they ship a new version of your item (if you’re doing an exchange) with one day shipping immediately, even before you’ve applied the shipping label (no cost) to return your package.

I am also a subscriber of ~3 years to their Amazon Prime program, in which any qualifying product will arrive to me within two day free shipping (or one day $4 shipping).

I am very much an Amazon fan. Aside from the notable fact that they take so so much of my money, I really have nothing but good things to say about them.

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