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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

02 September 2009 Wednesday

Alias 2 vs. Env3

Comparison between Samsung's Alias 2 and LG's Env3

slated in consumed at 6:03 pm

continued adventure from Verizon’s LG Env3 vs. Samsung Alias 2

In trying to decide whether to get the LG Env3 or the Alias2 (as an upgrade from my Alias (1)), I started with the Env3 and have changed to the Alias2, and frankly, with both phones I am just really pleased with the features that are great and really appalled by the restrictions and shortcomings. Even my old Alias can do things the other two can’t/won’t do.

As follows:

Alias 2 Env 3
beautiful screen beautiful screen
photos not available during a call can view photos during a call
keypad tones stay off when told to be off keypad tones on during a call (txt msging)
silent keyboard key clicks are audible
great camera great if you stay absolutely still
dual hinge opens vertically and horizontally opens only horizontally
mediocre menu system superior menu system
weak photo software better browse software for photos
no cropping available allows cropping of photos
close in size lighter weight
comes with no games comes with games
poor navigation good navigable menus
spiffy e-ink keys that change keyboard is great, though strange place for spacebar
weak font choices better fonts
more ringtones less standard ringtone options
better vertical view/navigation better horizontal view/navigation
regular charger charger disassembles to be USB connector
lose menu place when closing/flipping phone keeps menu place
non-issue external keys do not lock during a call
no dual timezone option option for dual timezone display
not quite as loud loud on lowest volume
more photo-taking options (e.g. multi-shot) fewer photo-taking options
no photos and weaker views for txt msg lists txt msg listings show profile photo of individual
milder vibration intense vibration
seemingly faster txt/photo msg sending regular speed send
can send multiple photos/“slides” per message I think just one, per usual
has airplane mode has airplane mode

Alias 2 Alias 1
opens vertically and horizontally also opens both ways
far superior camera poor camera quality
silent texting during call silent texting during call
cannot view photos during a call can view photos during a call
can take photos during a call cannot take photos during a call
can view photos in full screen photos cannot be viewed full screen
bigger smaller, lighter
spiffy e-ink keys that change tiny keys
no preview while taking picture, preview shows in external view screen
silent keyboard keys click audibly
power button on the outside traditional power button on internal key
seemingly faster txt/photo msg sending regular (slowish) speed send
can send multiple photos/“slides” per message one attachment at a time, unless they’re tiny
has airplane mode no airplane mode

Comments on Alias 2 vs. Env3

  1. rora

    thank u this helps! :)

    commented Sat 10 Apr 2010, 7:55:13 PM :: link
  2. Sarah

    hi i have the alias 2 and have had absolutely no problems. however, my best friend has the env3. One day, she was just typing a text to me and it shut off. it would turn back on for about five seconds and then turn off again. she had to spend $100 to fix it. the people at the verizon store said that they had no idea why it did that. it had no water damage, she didnt drop it, she tried charging it, and many other likely causes were proven negative. the alias 2, in my opinion, is more attractive, has a better cool menu that no other phone I know has, has better call clarity, and is in all a better phone.

    commented Sat 16 Oct 2010, 3:09:45 AM :: link
  3. Update on (my) Alias 2: I thought for a little while that the phone might be at fault, but a new charger had it working beautifully again. So beautifully that when I opted to move into the land of smartphone, I passed my Alias2 to a friend who is enjoying it now as much as I did. :)

    commented Sun 09 Jan 2011, 7:02:33 AM :: link
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