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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

21 May 2005 Saturday


slated in consumed at 4:20 am

So, by strong recommendation I was persuaded to check out this show that I don’t think I’ve ever heard of.. So I put it on, not knowing a thing about what it’s about.. and the show’s intro was very pleasant and pretty.. but then I was bored for about 10 minutes and thought about giving up the whole thing—I thought, “ahh… it’s a Western… I guess I’m just not as into Westerns as some people..”

But it had been well spoken for, and so I kept watching..
I’m on episode two now and I tell you I was fully enthralled by the mid of episode one. Wonderful cast, beautifully subtle and raw and direct.. Deadwood is just…beautiful. And the believability of the era the personalities of those times and places is tres interesting.

So it’s firmly on my list of shows to keep up with/catch up through, and I fully recommend it (for adults and the not-easily-squeamish).

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