20 September 2006 Wednesday
5am phone calls
Everything is context.
Receiving multiple phone calls at 5am is actually not necessarily a problem..
It’s who is calling at 5am and why.
Love is big. It casts a bright light in the universe. And a bright light casts a big shadow.
...To everything, turn, turn, turn..
there is a season, turn, turn, turn..
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Everything is context.
Receiving multiple phone calls at 5am is actually not necessarily a problem..
It’s who is calling at 5am and why.
Home sweet home.
I think I’ll fall asleep pretty quickly tonight.
..Which I guess will be helpful with the waking up early and being really productive since I wasn’t home to do it today but have much that I have to and want to do.
Today’s the 13th. It did pretty well.
Had a …darn what was it called… Jamba Juice? maybe? Hadn’t tried one before. Citrus Bliss… wasn’t quite as orangey as I was in the mood for, but a good solid smoothie nonetheless. There should be SO many more smoothie parlors around than there are.
‘Fidelity’ stuck in my head for the past few hours. I’d prefer it unzany, but nonetheless..
I will absolutely be in bed early tomorrow (tonight).
I promise.
Got a haircut today. Lady had amusingly great fun in cutting my hair. Hair cutting people in general tend to express particular liking of my hair, though I figure they do that with most all their customers. Lady today, though, seemed especially excited and interested in the cutting and future styling of my hair. She was quite cute.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Raining raining…
would kind of like to ramble on about my day and my lately thoughts and the such, but..
I’m decidedly finished with my night.
done with draft 1 of 3de design mockup.
to bed I go. g’night..
Kitchen plumbing went better this morning.. though I still wouldn’t call it “cute”..
And the expected weather comment of the moment: constant stirring in the wind and water..should be a nice couple of days. I’m looking forward to this weekend.
Quite a few leaving town for the weekend, or coming into town for it.. I’ll be here.