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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But…


Playlist pieces

The line is drawn, the change is made.


Second chances are slipping off the cliffs of this defeat..
Say it like you mean, mean it like you said it to me.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

02 September 2017 Saturday

slated in moments at 10:40 pm

Today, on her first birthday, an angel died.

16 April 2017 Sunday

Happy Easter

The day is Easter-colored with cobalt blue sky; bright fresh green leaves; magenta azaleas and redbuds; white lily of the valleys, dogwood blossoms; tulips and bleeding hearts; chirping finches and flitting sparrows.

09 April 2017 Sunday

cuter than kittens

My parents are cuter than kittens.

05 April 2017 Wednesday

Too many cookies

Too many cookies. I can do it.

Saved by the blog

I was compelled to write a message to someone, and then remembered I could post to my blog. ::Happy::

23 March 2017 Thursday

Mom loves cats

My cheeks ache from smiling so hard at my mom; she wants to be able to talk with my brother’s cat to find out what [the cat] wants in her life and what she’s thinking. This is out of seemingly nowhere as she hasn’t seen my brother in over a week and hasn’t seen Marvi in months (sometime last year). And all the more precious since, up until roughly two decades ago, for most of her whole life, she had decided she didn’t like cats (compassion + tiger spirit). And then fell in love with our first cat, and fell in faster in love with our second. <3

19 March 2017 Sunday

slated in moments at 6:28 pm

It’s midas moment and the geese are in it and the beginning-to-blossom trees are bright white, the evergreens are saturated pine, and the sky is a gorgeous cobalt.

*6:55 pm caught another midas moment near GW parkway; all the bare branches velvet mauve and burnished gold, so bright by the cobalt sky.


slated in moments at 6:16 pm

Discovered the reason the daffodils in the front yard are all looking so subdued is because a little girl in a bright pink jacket has been swooping in (she was in and out before I had time to think “hey—”) and collecting all the perky-looking blossoms. It’s probably okay; my best guess is that she’s taking them home to her mother, and that’s a pretty fair outcome for spring flowers, no matter how and who carefully planted them.

18 March 2017 Saturday

Look alive, daffodils

Another gorgeous spring-is-early day; look alive, daffodils! It’s an amazing world. And I’m wearing a dress.

17 March 2017 Friday

Here we are today

slated in site-building, moments at 3:52 am

This site was very died for a good ~five years. … I’m very glad to have my online home back.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives