08 May 2006 Monday
I'm a happy dumpling
As of early May 2006, a search in Google for happy dumpling turns up this website as result ~10. Yay. :) ?
When you forgive, you in no way change the past—but you sure do change the future.
You’d kill yourself for recognition,
you’d kill yourself to never, ever stop.
‘Broke another mirror..
you’re turning in to something you are not.
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
As of early May 2006, a search in Google for happy dumpling turns up this website as result ~10. Yay. :) ?
Textpattern Resources logo submissions are up. Go praise and constructively criticize and comment. :)
I’m going to bed now.
i give up. i like bbclone very very much. and i like textdrive also. i’m not sure who’s fault it is more, but it’s been more than three times now that some sort of skip has occurred and i lose my stats. i’ve been able to recover some of the older data sometimes, but invariably lose at least a week’s worth of visitor statistics. it’s happened to Ferrydust and it’s happened to Textpattern Resources, the latter being the more serious of the two problems. They’re on different servers, so it’s never been at the same time.
now, i’ve been away from my computer/the web quite a bit in recent weeks. so i haven’t been checking stats. i took a few seconds just now to check, and that has volumed up into several minutes in which i am writing this post:
this time it’s happened to both sites.. but seemingly different problems.
for Ferrydust, it’s showing no stats until the evening of September 21st. 0. everything prior appears wiped out. yay.
for Textpattern Resources, it’s showing nothing after the 13th of September. 0. nothing’s ever happened/happening after September the 13th. yippee.
side note: another site on the same server as Ferrydust, btw, did not have any skips with its bbclone stats. could be because it’s a much quieter site with at least a fifth the amount of traffic.
i really like bbclone. yes, there’s mint, but i’m rather happily comfortable with my basic bbclone graphs, and more than that, $30 for every site will add up to a bit much. i’m not saying that mint isn’t worth that. i’m saying i can’t see paying that. i’d like to do it for one site, but that leaves the others in the dust. so that really doesn’t help my overall issue. and talk of textstats is definitely exciting and hopeful, but not anywhere near the horizon. my point is, i want bbclone to work reliably. i’m not even sure any of this is bbclone’s fault! i don’t know what’s causing it! it’s like a hiccup in the php. and that seems to be server side.
i’m just about resigned to not keeping any stats whatsoever anymore and just not to care at all.
....after a few seconds of thought, i realize that this REALLY DOESN’T help. not all these sites are for me. Textpattern Resources needs a good stats app (it lost March and April, previously, which were unrecoverable, and i thought that was pretty bad…), and so do at least two others. Ferrydust can do without, cuz i’m the only one who cares. but …there’s just got to be a reasonable solution.
*update: i’m going to turn to StatCounter for now.
Oy. Poor BBB. It’s been worse, though…
Am going to dedicated a couple of hours today on what will temporarily be called The Labor Day Project.
Textdrive’s hosting for life offer is back as VC3.. This time around, the hefty percentage goes to Katrina relief, instead of open-source projects as usual. Read more on Dean’s post to the forum.
(via ubernostrum)
Well, as I just said in my last entry, the Textpattern Resources site is revamping. With that full revamp, comes the pleasant opportunity to develop a branding for the site in the form of an effective logo, and also improve navigability and nice-to-look-atability with icons.
Textpattern Resources being a community-based site, we’re inviting the community to contribute submissions for possible logos and icons.
That’s it. It simply has to get done. I’ve just registered (#379) the Textpattern Resources site (textpattern.org) for the Fall 2005 CSS Reboot.
this is me testing RMail.
(i dunno.)
i’m hoping this may be useful for Textpattern in the vein of email subscriptions to articles (and comments) via their rss feeds.
Ferrydust just went from Textpattern RC3 Revision 392—> RC5 Revision 712
*update: at rev768 as of 12august2005
absurd that CSS thought to have adjacent selectors but didn’t have any provisions for targetting an element BEFORE another, not just after.