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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

05 September 2005 Monday


slated in consumed, site-building at 5:14 pm

Textdrive’s hosting for life offer is back as VC3.. This time around, the hefty percentage goes to Katrina relief, instead of open-source projects as usual. Read more on Dean’s post to the forum.
(via ubernostrum)

I did let the VCII drive slip me by, on the grounds that a VCI account should be enough… but… you know, I just may need that VC3. *deliberating*

*update: (a little over an hour later…) enough deliberating delaying. ::jump::

Comments on VC3!

  1. Yes. Yell it from the hills, because I can’t on my own site. Leastways, not until I get that other thing out of the way. And help me whip Hans into a frenzy with witticisms.

    (on a side note, I stick the ‘www’ in front of my domain. There’s mod_rewrite stuff in place to enforce that, but I thought I’d mention it anyway. www4eva!)
    commented Mon 05 Sep 2005, 7:19:48 PM :: link
  2. really? i’ve always been stripping it from everything when possible. is there a reasoning to your www-attachment that i should also be prescribing to?
    commented Mon 05 Sep 2005, 7:28:16 PM :: link
  3. Mostly for the reasons outlined here. Also because I’m a fan of well-named subdomains, and it seems logical to me that the main site would be www.
    commented Mon 05 Sep 2005, 11:29:33 PM :: link
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