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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you’d go your whole life not really knowing if something is a a mistake or not.


Playlist pieces

high-heeled they are always looking down..
down their confidence is struggling hard to get around


If this is real, let me walk you home again


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

29 July 2005 Friday

What would you do?

slated in mused at 11:09 pm

If start-up capital and long-term funding were a non-issue, and thus investment and otherwise profitability were of no concern, where would you direct your efforts?
What institution or activity would you setup or pursue?
What would make you happiest/most satisfied?

28 July 2005 Thursday

happy birthday Lue-Andrina o^_^o

slated in days at 10:57 pm

I was a lucky one with college roommates…
though we didn’t share a room for long, I’m glad for the introduction and the semester with dear Lue-Andrina and wonderful, most ridiculous messages on my answering machine…
*goes to find out what Lue’s been up to…*

happy birthday Joao o^_^o

slated in days at 10:50 pm

there are fewer people in this world nicer than Joao. even when he’s scowling “???や??? ???や???!” right before he breaks into a sweet Joao grin and flicks his hand over, assuring you that he’s just joking, really. always think of him when i think of Kikujiro, always think of him wearing a hat when i think of him.. and always about how simply nice he is.
and now thinking of his last birthday that i was around for and the giant flying bug (Japan has crazy monster bugs) we found at the time… boo to bugs… yay to Joao.

a few disjointed briefs, and spotlight

slated in moments at 8:59 pm

Apple’s new ‘spotlight’ search feature in the new OS (panther?) really is impressive and nice. better than Quicksilver. better than my bblean cmdex (command line-ish) plugin, which hasn’t been working properly for the past many months anyway.
i’m really hoping Windows Vista’s search feature is equal. or huge disappointedness from me. that said, a total harddrive search so accessible to anyone, so easily, is not always a good thing. not at all.

Apple sure does make it look good.

when am i going to get around to learning linux? :-/

last night’s thunderstorm wasn’t so scary as was warned… (though i’m sure it was worse elsewhere in the area)... but today’s pretty nice and cool, so to park-ing we shall go. more work to be done throughout day and eve.

25 July 2005 Monday

sun day

slated in moments at 2:29 am

i arrived to my laptop the other day to find that someone had placed two hotplates (the kind we put under pots and hot dishes at the dinner table) underneath it. it’s amusing and sad… my computer really does get that hot. it’s a wonder it hasn’t fried! (knock on wood……..) of course, that could very well be what happened to the harddrive last year… aimahno.

just finished the fourth book (first time) of Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire. pretty good, actually.

i’m trying not to think about it much, and not researching it online, but i think i really want a Palm/Pocket PC. but it has to do everything and do it well, and i don’t think they quite do that yet. plust the whole $$$ factor. so i’m pretending i don’t desperately need one for a while yet.

beautiful weather today..been quite nice lately… would have liked to spend more time outdoors this afternoon but natural circumstances occurred inconveniently and i got some indoor rest and reading time instead.

apple monitors and graphics really are breathtakingly beautiful. i still don’t understand why PC can’t/hasn’t done it.

time for me to play catch up…

13 July 2005 Wednesday

Day of upgrades

slated in consumed at 6:50 pm
  • Mozilla Firefox 1.0.5 is out
  • -going to be trying the Calendar extension for Thunderbird- (standalone available as Sunbird). it’s no iCal, but such option not avail on Windows. *edit: going to standalone Sunbird 0.2 app instead of calendar extension, since that’s where they’re going to be focusing. more ideal for me anyway.. the current sunbird lacking features that only avail for calendar extension will likely be avail in sunbird soonish.
  • upgraded various Thunderbird extensions and added a few more to collection, and will also do the same for Firefox
  • Flickr Importr (thanks Angad)—far better than Flickr uploadr. now they just need to make more of the Flickr organizr tools available offline… adding multiple photos to Groups, for instance, is hellish.

05 July 2005 Tuesday

slated in moments at 9:26 pm

Alright, enough of the dallying for the day. back to work.

TV shows this year

slated in stuff at 8:50 pm

while i’m in this mood,
shows i’ve been watching this year (in no particular order):

Inconveniently cancelled TV shows

slated in stuff at 8:18 pm

shows that either shouldn’t have been cancelled, or should have at least released the remaining scripts explaining how the story continues/what happens to the characters:

Global Frequency

slated in mainstream at 8:12 pm

Global Frequency – Rejected Pilot Thrives On P2P

[via Evan.. thanks Evan] Okay, so apparently it’s a TV show that didn’t happen, based on a comic book. For all those shows that WB and other networks meanly/dumbly/sadly cuts short after just two or a few more episodes, this one may actually have a chance of being placed on air even after being turned out before it ever got a chance.
So far a lil corny (is Miranda intended to be a android?), but I think I already want to watch the next episode.

more than halfway through the pilot:
...okay i take it back—well, she still seems like an android… but she’s so totally kickass! so kickass!

okay yea.. the end was too corny. so the show does need some work, but the idea is just fine and if they give it due attention, it would be quite happy. i wouldn’t just whack it off the shelf, though.

thought about it some more. this is actually a really poorly done show, in very many ways acting, lighting, dialogue (blech!), subtlety (none)... i guess i just like the idea and Miranda was kinda kickass. if it’s taken over by good director/producer/writers , it could be fine. i’m glad i saw it anyway.

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