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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“Together, we (will, can, must) (rule, change, destroy) the (world, our victims, the people in this bar).”

Playlist pieces

I don’t know you and I don’t want to
til the moment your eyes open and you know


And I see what you are thinking of me.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

29 May 2008 Thursday

slated in moments, dreams at 4:35 pm

Email inbox is flooded (as usual) with limericks and name suggestions (not so usual).

Had a pretty complex dream up through waking (slept in a bit to play it out further) involving concepts of the Death Note. It wasn’t restful, but fascinating; my mind was very busy figuring what was allowed, how much could be orchestrated, who would be the victim to carry out the massively destructive plot, and… I think a little dog was involved. And maybe little aliens — I don’t remember; it was quite elaborate. And I wasn’t really the one plotting mass destruction, I was the mind dreaming it and trying to figure out what made sense as per the desu noto’s rules.

My friend was just let go from his job for nonsense reasons. I’m really upset about it.

Even after watching the first two movies and watching all the anime series, the Death Note manga is wonderful.

Weir. I before E except after C… and W.

28 May 2008 Wednesday

slated in moments at 6:54 pm

Maybe whatever I had Sunday was a bit of a bug, because I’ve felt faint remnants of it since then.. a little more today.. but none of it is even close to Sunday, so it’s possible I’m making it up.
..and I’m going to stop talking about it now because am starting to feel a bit worse.

Is the election over yet? I just need the final result to be the right one, and we can all go home happy/healthier/safer/better.
Smoothies melt too quickly.

I want a nap. can’t do that today.
My bed was especially comfortable this morning.

I hope this cool streak continues for a few days at least, though I know it won’t. It was too warm yesterday for me to be productive.

Books should come in smaller sizes so that I can carry them in my purse. Earthsea was perfect size.

Not feeling good much at all now.

Maybe I overdosed on cherries?

27 May 2008 Tuesday

slated in moments at 3:44 pm

I’m feeling better.. Yesterday late afternoon/eve felt a bit better than I’m feeling now, but even now I’m fully functional and feeling tens better than Sunday. Sunday was pretty miserable and quite fully lost, but this was a good weekend for its reasons, anyway.

26 May 2008 Monday

slated in moments at 5:14 am

That strange place of sleepy/overslept, tired/restless, awareness/haziness. rest and water are not repairing me nearly as swiftly as they should. I can get up like this for a few minutes before the discomfort sets in too hard and I’m forced back to bed. I’ve tried throwing up several times but haven’t been so successful. Disappointed to miss out on plans for tonight. frustrated to have been able to do/accomplish nothing today. but understand that somethings just have to be endured. my time is up. back down.

slated in moments at 2:54 am

Feeling really sick and miserable today. Grateful tomorrow’s a holiday so that I can continue trying to rest it off… even though so far that has not fixed me. too shall pass, like everything else. So miserable right now, though, and seems so meaningless.

22 May 2008 Thursday

The Wii Fit / friendly balance board

slated in consumed at 4:05 pm

Wii Fit / balance board — pretty cool.

Now that the board and system are “synched”, I would feel quite comfortable putting the disk in and telling one of my parents, “just turn on the board, point the controller at the screen, and press A where you think you should or where it tells you to.” the software instructs all the rest.

In any case, the system is responsive, talks a lot but also seems to let you skip most dialogue/instructions if you want to. I was a bit skeptical about the focus on posture and balance, but it seems to be a really good way to go — if you’re employing proper posture, then your weight will be properly distributed; if you’re well-balanced then you’ll be better centered, hopefully more self-aware and in control.

The attention to balance is really helpful for doing things like the yoga exercises — without the balance focus/guidance, I would certainly have been doing some of those exercises very incorrectly, but I could see to adjust my balance and the exercise felt very different. It’s good.

21 May 2008 Wednesday

at 4:32 pm

Holy cow Firefox 3 is amazing.

19 May 2008 Monday

DeathNote (Desu Noto)

slated in consumed at 6:32 am

It turns out that some Japanese movies actually make sense.
Well, maybe it’s just the horror movies that are completely void of any sense whatsoever (the American versions of The Ring and that other one — about the phone calls that kill — are absurdly nonsensical, but their Japanese counterparts/originals trump them in nonsensicalness). Anyway, Death Note was great. (Not a horror film by any stretch. Rather interesting story.) ‘Hope the sequel(s) (L: The Last Name) match up; the third(?) film — L: Change the World seemed all the hype in Hong Kong.
Also going to look up the anime...

*update: the second movie’s solid. I laughed much more, cried more too. (Ah, Asian girls. Or girls in general. Totally cute, absurd, completely crazy.) Also, the anime is very good. Feels more like Bleach than Naruto (death gods and all..), but I never settled into Bleach. I’ve heard comparisons of it to Naruto, but.. well, the style and personalities are quite different.. I do see a bit of Sasuke there, though.. but character development is much more pronounced in Death Note; the character development and explanation of reasonings are interestingly more (interestingly) subtle in the anime than in the movies.
… Okay. the anime’s pretty emotional too.

16 May 2008 Friday

Playlist 05/12 - 05/14/2008

slated in playlists at 5:44 pm

The Hours – Ali in the Jungle

15 May 2008 Thursday

The Pink Tie

slated in moments, ridiculi at 4:13 pm

me: It’s pink.

Dad: It’s not pink.

me: It’s a very elegant pink tie.

Dad: It’s not a pink tie!

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