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as so at 11:55 pm
Have been suffering an issue with Firefox for the past few months… involved the bookmarks folder being thoroughly nonuseable — nothing could be added to it whatsoever.. Couldn’t add or move links/bookmarks anywhere except under the regular bookmarks folder. Made me very unhappy since I needed the Blinklist bookmarklet, among other things.
Looks so happy.
I just hope they can really accomplish it as they’re proposing/advertising…
Longer version
Smash Bros. Brawl
Not sure what I’d like to say.. I’d like to say something. *yawn*
starting to feel …affinite ground.. the alternate wordchoice was ‘familiar’ but that’s not what I mean.
Dirty Vegas – Home Again And if this is real, then let me walk you home again.
Vertical Horizon – Falling Down
Tides – I Wait
John Mayer – Not Myself Colors change for no good reason…
I, in time, come round. I always do, for you.
Suppose I said you’re my saving grace.
A cop arrested someone for speeding.. and then gave him a heavy fine instead, for personal reasons.
A goldfinch flew really close to my head.. and I remembered that goldfinches mean secrets and I should remember a secret.. but I couldn’t think of what secret I was supposed to remember. And then the goldfinch was gone and I thought that maybe I can’t ever remember the secret now cuz the goldfinch is gone and I missed my window.
And something about different colored stones and how some of them are colors that no one has seen or documented yet.. there are just so many stones in the world and too many for all the colors to have possibly be accounted for.
I have been lent The Power of NOW
, by Eckhart Tolle.
I believe this book has passed my path before, but.. well, I have it now and I’m looking forward to reading it.
I have my first ever jury duty this week. It might be interesting..
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as so at 5:21 pm
Yay!!! Got Quicktime working on my comp again… been completely without it for over a month now.. amazing the stuff you miss out on when you can’t watch simple quicktime videos.. so many trailers...
Le Chevre – Everything Reminds Me Things don’t get solved for nothing and things don’t get better from sitting around. — Nothing goes away with more time.
Ed Harcourt – This One’s for You
Lori McKenna – You Are Loved
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days at 2:10 pm
Junhoe, my dear, your website misses you. And I miss you. Was really really nice to talk with you the other day.. Not sure what to say, except that you are thoroughly awesome, you play too much WOW, I’m glad work is working out for you, my love to the family, and a big hug to you…
Actually your birthday was yesterday…hmm.. Do you get birthday noodles or something? One day I’ll be around to see..
I love you. Happy birthday Junhoe :)