it seems the Ender’s Game movie possibility continues…
Troy? really? i did not consider that a bad movie, but.. hardly a model for Ender’s Game. in many ways, X-Men 2 would have been a far better model. actually, they should be talking to the people who so very meticulously fashion the Harry Potter movies that almost (or do) overcredit the original books themselves.
Says Card, “Mr. Benioff proved with Troy that he could adapt a long work to fit the brevity of film, while preserving what is most powerful and effective in the original.”
i don’t want “brevity”! break the first book up into two or three parts! and make each movie three hours long if necessary — probably necessary! please, please do justice to this story. and the other books would be worth doing too — if they do it well. and if they do a Shadow movie/series to parallel the original Ender’s Game movie/series… how awesome would that be? if they invest the attention and care (and money) into it, this really could become an epic like Star Wars. i really do believe that. but i am nearly convinced (though i’ll gladly be shown wrong) that they will not do the story its deserved credit.
Any film of Ender’s Game will be heavily dependent on special effects, says Card, “but it’s the characters that the audience must care about for the film to succeed.”
Are they going to up the ages of child characters? make them 9 instead of 6? Haley Joel Osment is too old to play Ender now… what other actors of such youth could properly do it?
well, i’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with (if the whole thing goes through), and i’m hoping hoping hoping to be pleasantly surprised. meanwhile, i’m definitely enjoying the latest book, Shadow of the Giant.
A playlist for my current self...
softer/sweeter tunes...
yes, some have been noted before.
A playlist for my current self…
softer/sweeter tunes…
yes, some have been noted before.
Joe Purdy — Washed Away, You Don’t Like Me Anyway
Joseph Arthur — Honey and the Moon
Neil Halstead — Seasons, Two Stones in My Pocket
Hungry Lucy — Her Song
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mused at 3:22 am
i’d say something if i knew what; i don’t, but i’m still a bit compelled. or twisting. probably twistng.
there’s always retrospect. if you’re unlucky or inattentive, the emphasis is heavy on the always and the retrospect is quickly underestimated and relieved of responsibility.
refute the always, forget the inciter of retrospect.
I’m posting this because I was half-horrified to learn about this today; how come nobody told me a new
Ender book was coming out? I came upon it by chance — there was a reference on someone’s blog about running into Orson Scott Card in a bookstore, and a visit to Card’s site revealed that
Shadow of the Giant
is already in stores. Sheesh. The
first three chapters are available online.. I do think Card’s writing isn’t as impressive as it used to be, but I’m already in love with the Ender’s series and its characters, so my order for this book has been necessarily placed. is up..
after about a year of knowing how i wanted it to look, and having tried sort-of-successfully but unsatisfiedly to get it the way i wanted, i finally revisited it a few days ago and redid the whole thing..
same intended design, but redid the html and css and put it into Textpattern this time. i’d initially tried it with Wordpress, because i needed two key features: user self-registration and random articles. ultimately, a self-registration mod (thanks Manfre :)) was developed for Textpattern and i twisted a few things and managed to get the random feature i’d wanted.
so, it’s up and working and i’m already really pleasantly surprised by the poems coming in; some are thoroughly entertaining, some are intriguing—but i wouldn’t have gotten to see any of them if this site wasn’t there for me to ask people to post to, neh?
so.. i don’t need to be up til 4am tonight; i’m going to bed..
come daylight, it’ll be time for me to get back to doing all the important things that actually really need doing. but i really needed to get this done, for myself.
The TextDrive VCII offer is sold out. Absolutely incredible.
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stuff at 6:07 am
As of March 1, 2005, it seems there’ve been 11111 visitors to since November 2004. None of that is particularly special, but I did happen to open the site right then and the number looked kinda cool :) So, for posterity:
The sun is out gently but firmly today. Traces of snow still holding on bravely, though.
China’s been infiltrated successfully.
Katrina Diaz has a baby sister as of yesterday (no name yet, i hear..).

I am now a micropatron :) Jason Kottke decided to make his website his full-time gig, and of course the success of this plan requires (voluntary) monetary support from readers. I really like the whole idea, and I’m looking forward to seeing the whole thing continue well for Jason.
I’m wearing Batman shirt.
Currently playing Devendra Banhart – ‘Little Yellow Spider’
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mood at 5:22 am
Ah. Time and Space. We meet. Again. Actually, hasn’t been so long since the last meeting, neh? But this is something rather new… a few reversals and adjustments in the usual conditions.
Now, despite our known incompatibilities, we’ve had a fair history when it comes to putting up with each other on this matter. So let’s just agree that this will be one more time, and that we’ll try not to ever really get together like this again.
Maybe it won’t be as terrible as it could be, or seemingedly would be, though… We’re sensible creatures, yes? And there are other things to keep our minds reasonable and a little patient while this whole thing sees us through. Space isn’t that dangerous anymore. And we have amenities set up and available to make the ride more bearable, and there’s now a very big bear on my bed, which I’m sure will help somehow as well.
Keep your own advice, Alicson. One foot after another; one step at a time, and you’ll be having breakfast before you know it.. and then lunch and then dinner will come around, and then… Well, let that come in its own time. Meantime, there’s this time to deal with.
Cookies and ice cream. Hbe’ll okay.
slated in
mood at 5:17 am
we got Skype, which should be helpful in the scheme of things…
i’m already experiencing some cracks in the dam i’ve got up against the flood of tears and hurt and sadness and missing that i’m expecting..
long-distance relationships are doable… if the people matter and the relationship matters, then of course they’re worthwhile.. but understanding all the pieces of it does not make it terribly much easier. plus we’re young and emotional; i’m tres emotional. and he’s actually pretty sensitive too…
i hope he finds this easier, though; being the one going out and being away in a new environment with lots of distractions.. i know he’ll miss me, but at least he won’t be the one left at home, with usual routines and everything familiar and what was shared between us.. it’s my turn for all that.
time will pass; we’ll both be okay, and we’ll be together.