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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

See yourself for what you are, not what others try to make you.

Playlist pieces

“Everything counts a little more than we think.”


All we need is some ice cream and a hug.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

03 March 2017 Friday

Welcome, almost, to 2017

slated in site-building, moments at 3:07 am

This is the closest I’ve gotten [with restoring Ferrydust]. Lots of broken plugins, missing entries from 2007-2013, and currently h1 font won’t resolve via the zem_ir plugin not sure what the deal is there.. This is the closest I’ve gotten, though, to having Ferrydust back. No wonder if took so many years; all the conflicting versions and missing pieces.. Much uphill still to go to rebuild and will have to rely heavily on archive.org (latest archive there is March 9, 2013)

*update @2017-03-03 found and recovered (whole-day affair) a 2014 copy of my old files. Much still to repair, however I have my content and that’s the most <3

31 October 2016 Monday

Let's discuss.

slated in prose/poetry, mused at 6:04 pm

Let’s discuss.
I will _____ if _____
when _____
because _____
except _____
and always…

Being one's own lighthouse

Being one’s own lighthouse is challenging, strange, and a thousand percent worthwhile.
Unconditional grace is a beautiful possibility.

15 February 2013 Friday

slated in moments at 10:04 pm

Mika concert Mika concert Mika concert Mika concert Mika concert #tisabouttime

03 January 2013 Thursday

Playlist 12/2012-01/2013

slated in playlists at 10:55 pm

Mika – Elle Me Dit
Imagine Dragons
Josh Ritter – Joy to You Baby
Snow Patrol ; Fallen Empires album ; incl. This Isn’t Everything, Lifening
Ace Enders / I Can Make a Mess ; incl. Stop Smoking, Gold Rush, Reaction, Misery
Matthew West – Do Something

01 January 2013 Tuesday

2013; 2012

slated in mused at 7:50 pm

I had intentions for a decent introspective post reflecting upon this past year and some feelings about the year+ to come.. I have a few hundred thoughts of things I could write right now, and things I could not write right now, and just a general feeling of contentment at knowing and feeling even if I am the only one in the universe who can my combination.

20 November 2012 Tuesday

Nexus 10 Review

slated in consumed at 11:04 pm

Initial report: I LOVE the Nexus 10.
It is so buttery smooth, fast, lagless.. I went ahead and piled on a reasonable number of apps (reasonable amount for me — not too many by my standards and way too many by most of my friends’) and let a bunch of them keep running in background and had it running constantly for several hours straight and the only snag/slowdown I experienced was a few seconds where the system hung—which then made me realize the device had gotten quite warm and I hastened to stop overburdening it (poor thing, I never let it have a moments’ rest since it got unboxed and charged), and then it cooled down quickly and was perfect again and I haven’t experienced any heating or lag since. I’m going to have to run a factory reset on the Nexus 7 and see if I can get that back to running smoothly again, but I don’t think it ever managed as smoothly and quickly on larger tasks the way this one does… I played Transformers in full HD on the Nex10 and could jump around without any delays or sputtering of any kind. Every pixel lovely.

I need a cover for it asap.. I know exactly which cover I’m getting, but it’s not available yet.

Also, the latest beta version Swype is YAY (Android’s own swipe-style keyboard is a fantastic addition to the stock keyboard, but Swype still is much more practiced,efficient,intelligent).

14 November 2012 Wednesday

Android Jellybean 4.2

slated in consumed at 5:56 pm

My thoughts so far on 4.2 (running on Nexus 7): …

My Nexus 7 review

slated in consumed at 5:05 pm

I can highly recommend the Google Nexus 7; mine is much a part of my daily life.

12 November 2012 Monday

slated in moments at 3:04 am

Happy 11/11 day.

So much grief I’ve been given all my life for eating raw cookie dough. Yet I can’t recall an occasion in which I’ve regretted eating the cookie dough. I have often regretted, though, as I do at this particular moment, regret having more available to me.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives