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Playlist pieces

Even though there’s no way in knowing where to go,
promise I’m going.
...But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair
...I can’t ask you to give what you already gave.


I’m driving in the dark towards you, not stopping til I catch the sunlight in my eye


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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28 September 2005 Wednesday

bbclone + textdrive

slated in moments, site-building at 8:15 am

i give up. i like bbclone very very much. and i like textdrive also. i’m not sure who’s fault it is more, but it’s been more than three times now that some sort of skip has occurred and i lose my stats. i’ve been able to recover some of the older data sometimes, but invariably lose at least a week’s worth of visitor statistics. it’s happened to Ferrydust and it’s happened to Textpattern Resources, the latter being the more serious of the two problems. They’re on different servers, so it’s never been at the same time.

now, i’ve been away from my computer/the web quite a bit in recent weeks. so i haven’t been checking stats. i took a few seconds just now to check, and that has volumed up into several minutes in which i am writing this post:
this time it’s happened to both sites.. but seemingly different problems.

for Ferrydust, it’s showing no stats until the evening of September 21st. 0. everything prior appears wiped out. yay.

for Textpattern Resources, it’s showing nothing after the 13th of September. 0. nothing’s ever happened/happening after September the 13th. yippee.

side note: another site on the same server as Ferrydust, btw, did not have any skips with its bbclone stats. could be because it’s a much quieter site with at least a fifth the amount of traffic.

i really like bbclone. yes, there’s mint, but i’m rather happily comfortable with my basic bbclone graphs, and more than that, $30 for every site will add up to a bit much. i’m not saying that mint isn’t worth that. i’m saying i can’t see paying that. i’d like to do it for one site, but that leaves the others in the dust. so that really doesn’t help my overall issue. and talk of textstats is definitely exciting and hopeful, but not anywhere near the horizon. my point is, i want bbclone to work reliably. i’m not even sure any of this is bbclone’s fault! i don’t know what’s causing it! it’s like a hiccup in the php. and that seems to be server side.

i’m just about resigned to not keeping any stats whatsoever anymore and just not to care at all.

....after a few seconds of thought, i realize that this REALLY DOESN’T help. not all these sites are for me. Textpattern Resources needs a good stats app (it lost March and April, previously, which were unrecoverable, and i thought that was pretty bad…), and so do at least two others. Ferrydust can do without, cuz i’m the only one who cares. but …there’s just got to be a reasonable solution.

*update: i’m going to turn to StatCounter for now.

22 September 2005 Thursday

slated in moments at 9:07 pm

For whatever reason, I’m really quite surprised how much difference a fresh coat of paint makes.

20 September 2005 Tuesday

Playlist 09/20/2005

slated in playlists at 8:13 pm
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists – Walking to Do
Sun Yan Zi – Silent all these years
Orange Range – Asterisk (from Bleach)
Little by Little – Kanashimi wo Yasashisa Ni (from Naruto)

17 September 2005 Saturday

Since tread broke my other headphones

slated in consumed at 10:27 pm

Sony MDR-Q66 retractable headphones i now have my new Sony MDR-Q66 headphones. retractable! cool! happy!
hope they don’t break.

12 September 2005 Monday

Terrible sadness

slated in moments, mused at 5:55 am

I’ve had an RSS notice in my email box since this morning, informing me that there was an Announcement entitled ‘A Terrible Sadness’ to the Textpattern forum. But I didn’t read it until just now. I had no idea…

My reaction has been shock and sadness and sorrow and regret and confusion… I didn’t really know sivni. From my impression of him from the forum, I liked him, and we communicated for a little while regarding his start up of textgarden. But I had not read his homepage posts that very honestly and openly revealed his battles with depression and panic attacks. I didn’t know. I’m sorry and I’m sad. And there’s a whole lot of us who are sad right now and grieving for him.. let alone the people who actually met him and knew him and loved him. How can a person be so unhappy, to be willing to leave everyone else behind—and more than that; be willing to hurt them and deprive them of the person they care about. I can’t be mad at sivni. I didn’t know him well enough and I don’t know what he went through. I’m sorry I didn’t know, I’m sorry I didn’t …somehow make things better for him… better enough.. And I think about other friends and people I’ve known.. People I’ve known well enough. Either after the fact or even during.. I’ve been lucky. Of the people I’ve known and cared about who have seriously attempted suicide, they’ve all failed. For one reason or another, it didn’t happen. And I’m grateful and sad and angry and if they had succeeded… How could they? What would.. I just… Everyone deserves a chance.. Everyone who cares deserves a chance to know it’s that bad, and to try to fix it… to try to save their friend, whether selfishly or not. I don’t know. it doesn’t happen like that. I know it just doesn’t happen like that. I don’t know what I’m trying to say or convey. I’m really sad. I’m really sorry. For all of them. I hope Sivert was more happy than sad, when he could be, and I hope he’s at peace now.. ...

Home sweet byebye home

slated in moments at 5:19 am

My parents have been looking for a new house.
This means their daughter, the now real estate agent, has been and will be plenty busy for a while yet.

09 September 2005 Friday

Happy birthday David o^_^o

slated in days at 8:13 pm

Happy birthday David. Wishing you a wonderful birthday, and just sitting here reminiscing a little of days in middle school (were we ever that young! we’re so old!) and having my code broken over science and lunch, and of the first few days at college and remembering you trying to keep me out of trouble (as if i could ever get in trouble!) and just wondering what you’re up to now, and thinking i shall try to email you now since i have not your number.

08 September 2005 Thursday

Happy birthday Kuan o^_^o

slated in days at 8:13 pm

Happy birthday Kuan. Hope life is well for you…wherever you are right now. I wonder if you still wear a bandana, I wonder if you’re still covering holes in your car’s ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars, I wonder why you’d ever go by ‘Allen’ instead of Kuan.. (English names are overpopulated. All the English people have one.) Nice thoughts to you and I hope you find a good year ahead.

Happy birthday o^_^o

slated in days at 4:55 am

Good job Google. Trying to steal my thunder.
Won’t happen!
Why hello there Third Cycle.

05 September 2005 Monday

Happy birthday Kai o^_^o

slated in days at 8:13 pm

Birthday time again! I do have trouble forgetting yours. ;) Was very nice to see you the other day. Sincere birthday wishes to you, and a good year coming.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives