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Playlist pieces

My mind was willing and my spirit was strong..
I have seen by degrees the boiling point come and go.
How high your highest of heights? How low are your lows?


Give me an angle that I haven’t tried before


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

31 December 2008 Wednesday

slated in stuff at 5:55 pm

conversation with my dad this morning:

me: I want to stay in tonight
Dad: well you shouldn’t go out—it’s going to be friggin cold.
me: …did you just say “friggin”?
Dad: yes. it’s going to be THAT cold!

30 December 2008 Tuesday

Next to Normal

slated in consumed at 9:17 pm

/me wants to see Next to Normal

Arena Stage presents Next to Normal, a provocative and exciting new musical. Directed by Michael Greif (Rent), the musical tells the story of two suburban parents discovering how far they will go to keep themselves sane in an over-stimulated and over-medicated world. Next to Normal was listed in Entertainment Weekly’s top 10 shows of 2008.

slated in consumed at 7:50 am

The Slumdog Millionaire movie is wonderful. The Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack is amazing.

26 December 2008 Friday

2009 calendar

at 5:43 am

so I did finally get my 2009 paperblanks dayplanner… but it arrived a few days after I picked up a similar (2009 horizontal weekly) moleskin dayplanner …

p.s. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

** 12/27/2008 update: After transferring a fair amount over from the 2008 paperblanks to the 2009 moleskin, we’re going with the 2009 paperblanks.

22 December 2008 Monday

slated in consumed at 7:05 am

After all the trouble, finally locating and ordering one (at higher cost), and weeks later being notified that “product is discontinued”…

…I still have no 2009 journal/calendar.

16 December 2008 Tuesday

Hello Fios

slated in consumed at 3:43 am

The bad news (for me) is: secure sites (gmail, citibank) are down all over the DC area for Verizon fios. The good news is: (tho I’ll be paying notably more), I’ll jump from 5mb to 20mb/s. I’ll also have HD channels (hello, 21st century), but who cares about that when I’ll be able to stream Hulu and similar at that’s-the-heck-more-like-it speed.

Hope they figure out that secure-site-access issue soon, though, cuz all the speed in the world won’t help if I can’t access the usual sites..

02 December 2008 Tuesday

To new(smart)phone or not to?

slated in consumed at 11:20 pm

It seems that Verizon’s Omnia is NOT a worldphone. At this rate, I’m not sure a phone will ever be designed and offered (in the U.S., let alone on Verizon) that fits my basic needs. So, do I get the Omnia anyway, and just consider that a lost $200 when I trade up for something more comprehensive in the near(??) future (whensoever it rears itself)? Omnia falls short on resolution, falls flat on worldphone capability, and I’m not impressed with its use of space (fitting screen/keys, etc.). But it seems to be otherwise feature-filled and supposedly quite responsive. Wish its features lived up more to its name.
I’ve been so patient, so long… Now I’m just tired.

25 November 2008 Tuesday

Playlist 11/25/2008

slated in playlists at 10:14 pm

stuck in my head for the past two days, so may as well consider it Playlist… these particular lines on repeat:

The Gostation – Wandering Away

“there’s living and there’s losing but I think I’m just past choosing…”

and, intermittently, The Killers – Human

“let me know is your heart still beating… are we human? or are we dancer? …”

24 November 2008 Monday

My favorite Firefox extensions / add-ons 2008

slated in consumed at 10:51 pm

Firefox 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 (work and home)


  • All-in-One Sidebar opens bookmarks, add-ons, history, etc. in sidebar. I don’t know why this isn’t built-in functionality.
  • Tab Mix Plus has the essential undo-close-tab functionality, session-saver, control of tabs — open new tabs next to the current one, etc..
  • Mouse Gestures Redox lets me roll the mouse buttons/use mouse gestures for navigation. Mouse gestures are totally necessary.
  • Download Statusbar sends downloads to an unobtrusive horizontal bar.. seems really basic but I find it indispensable.
  • Fast Dial is the best menu/homepage of favorite/most-used sites. Very customizable. I advise black background and a smart use of transparency for hover effects.
  • Tree Style Tab makes tabs vertical rather than horizontal. This gives you more vertical space, which is what we’re usually lacking when viewing websites (especially if you have a good-sized monitor/high res), and you can open many more tabs and see them all at once. also allows for heirarchy/child tabs, etc. The default settings were not great for me, but easily changed and beautiful once in place.
  • Greasemonkey is essential for expandability/site-specific tweaks.
  • Stylish is also for site-specific tweaks, etc.
  • Better Gmail 2 is essential for heavy gmail users.. folders4gmail, etc.

My dayplanner's elusive as ever

slated in consumed at 5:59 pm

I’ve been aware that we’re almost into December which is almost into 2009.. but it just hit me a few minutes ago that this = I need a new mini cal (dayplanner).
I want to know why, WHY it is such an uphill battle to purchase my Paperblanks Mini Horizontal Dayplanner each year. Not a single one seems to be on sale yet at Amazon nor B&N.. I see some possible options on two sites, which I may resort to.. But what the heck; why is it so difficult for me to purchase an annual product?

Everything is safely stored in the Archives