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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

02 December 2008 Tuesday

To new(smart)phone or not to?

slated in consumed at 11:20 pm

It seems that Verizon’s Omnia is NOT a worldphone. At this rate, I’m not sure a phone will ever be designed and offered (in the U.S., let alone on Verizon) that fits my basic needs. So, do I get the Omnia anyway, and just consider that a lost $200 when I trade up for something more comprehensive in the near(??) future (whensoever it rears itself)? Omnia falls short on resolution, falls flat on worldphone capability, and I’m not impressed with its use of space (fitting screen/keys, etc.). But it seems to be otherwise feature-filled and supposedly quite responsive. Wish its features lived up more to its name.
I’ve been so patient, so long… Now I’m just tired.

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