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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

It took almost dying to realize that aging isn’t a curse. It’s a privilege.

Playlist pieces

All the nights reflecting in our chance connecting
help me find the meaning in the life I had with you.


When the world is crashing down, I will throw it on my back for you..
When you’re paralyzed and bound, I’ll be waging war, my love.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

17 July 2008 Thursday

slated in mused at 4:52 pm

Thought more about the parable, and the piece that had not made sense to me was the mention of “hiding” the treasure. The kind of treasure it would be likened to should not need hiding and even if it was meant to convey a great treasure, then the word choice of hiding it should hold significance.

16 July 2008 Wednesday

slated in mused at 10:14 pm

Even 8, 7, 6, 5 years are significant.

slated in moments at 6:17 pm

Khiewkhiew blossomed new leaves. ::proud plant mommy::

15 July 2008 Tuesday

you are the happy

slated in ridiculi, words at 8:01 pm

“You are the happy.”

14 July 2008 Monday

slated in moments, mused at 9:57 pm

There’s a crease threatening to form between my brows that would not be cute in 30 years. But the hard scowl is essential to Angry Ali look. I don’t know what I’m going to do :-/

I have mini injuries all over. knuckle bruise is still there from table hockey (on my middle finger.. which makes guilting the responsible party a lot more interesting..). hole in foot still healing from the nail. bruise on arm from tetanus shot. both shins in definite pain anytime I walk now. bottoms of feet feeling very worn. bruised finger on my left hand somehow. and all of those are too minor and not painful enough for me to complain about — but that won’t stop me. :)

Sleep has been escaping me pretty thoroughly. But it’s really hard to complain when you’re kept up by good things.

10 July 2008 Thursday

slated in mused at 7:39 pm

I don’t want to delete or edit them. I don’t love running into them or knowing they’re there.. but
Whether ultimately mistakes or not,
they are as was when they were written.

09 July 2008 Wednesday

Playlist 07/06 - 07/10/2008

slated in playlists at 5:40 pm

My Favorite HighwayYou’re Making it Come Alive
Charlotte Martin – Steel
Steve MoaklerStay Sound
Ari Hest – When And If
My Favorite HighwayHow to Call a Bluff

08 July 2008 Tuesday

slated in mused, mood at 12:07 am

Whatever it takes. Except that it takes two..

07 July 2008 Monday

love is not conditional

slated in mused at 9:39 pm

If others don’t care, why should I?
Then really, why should anyone care at all?

Perhaps it’s not too different from believing in some things simply because the alternative is crap..
but given the choice, shouldn’t we choose awareness, responsibility, life?

slated in moments at 6:01 pm

I guess it’s a good thing we weren’t going climbing today, what with the distressed heel and the soon-to-be sore shoulder/arm. The knuckle’s still healing…
This is not good for my self-perception of invulnerability. I think I have to fight someone to redeem myself.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives