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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

It’s trust and character I need around me.
Who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are.

Playlist pieces

She is my reason
my reason and my truth …
I would like to live for ever ever
I would like to live beside of her [sic.]


I’ll concentrate on changing ‘cause I’m much too young… to stay this way.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

03 December 2004 Friday

Where is Alicson?

slated in moments at 1:00 am

In case anyone’s wondering (maybe?) where Alicson’s been for the past…. two(?) days…
Well… we had a big windstorm that probably caused the broken internet connection for half a day yesterday… and then yesterday evening, when internet we back online and i was back in front of my computer and happily about to catch myself up on everything i’d missed (forums stuff, Resource site stuff, email, etc.) then my computer harddrive starts choking and decides it doesn’t really think it’s working anymore. I’m trying to change its mind, but it’s a day later (though i did spend much of the day out, mostly taking the car to get checked and fixed…(three belts to be replaced and wheel alignment)) and my computer seems to still be pretty convinced that it’s still broken. grrrrrr.

So. i’m going to keep talking to it… i’m starting to get a little bit violent though…. but really, it should know better. Anyway. i’m trying to keep up on email… if anyone notices particular things i should be attending to either in the Text* forums or on a the Textpattern Resources site or something … then please do call it to my attention…

<sigh> i could have gotten so much done in these past few days.

30 November 2004 Tuesday

Textpattern Resources

slated in stuff, site-building at 9:13 am

Slight renovations… most notably a signficiant paint job and shiny new head ornament. Not a moment too soon… looking back on it, I’m extra-impressed that the Textpattern community seems to have embraced the site, even as it looked as it did…. *shrug* then again, maybe people won’t like the site now that it’s all…. blue.

if a styleswitcher were built in, this would not be a problem.

should be moving to textpattern.org soon..
i’m really glad it’s seeming to serve its purpose.

And the additional people who have begun collaborating on it… that’s almost definitely the best part for me. Creating great projects, cooperatively. :)

26 November 2004 Friday

And hello winter.

slated in moments at 1:04 am

*sigh* jinxed.

the windows are now closed in my room and i’m still feeling the cold cold cold.

at least the house will be full of bodies and candles and a fire and warm food, tonight.

25 November 2004 Thursday

I'm around

slated in days, moments at 6:50 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I guess I’ve been sukoshi quiet around here lately… A lot that I’m trying to get done.. and more than that, which should get done.

A lot of my attention has been tied up in a Textpattern community site that i wanted up and running sooner than later… it came about kind of suddenly, actually… that’s what happens when i’m sitting somehwere, being told i should be concentrating on a specific task or subject… i very quickly find something else far more interesting to devote my attention and energy to. So that was opened last night and there’s still a fair amount of work to be done on it, and that will happen and that will be good. Thank goodness for Remillard—how would it have even begun to work nicely without conditionals on the custom fields? And I think the company was the best part… tens more fun to build a site/a publication/anything when you have good people working with you and sharing your enthusiasm. Thank you.
Ever bit of feedback and small comments received by other Textpatterners in this regard have each meant a lot to me also.. whether criticism or compliment.. Very appreciated, and very useful.

So that’s happy.

We’re having a fair-sized Thanksgiving gathering at our house this evening… family friends… Dad’s taking care of all the traditional Thanksgiving foods: the best (organic, of course) turkey ever, cranberry soft, homemade stuffing (i helped cut the vegetables :)), mashed potatoes (it’s not Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes) with mushroom gravy (i think we’ll have to stop by the store to fetch mushrooms among other things, today), and either biscuits or muffins or popovers (whichever Dad’s decided to make..) and then Mom’s making “her apple tart/pie” (it’s a world premiere…) and i’m told that ham will be coming, along with assorted Asian dishes… so… we won’t starve tonight. And soup and sandwiches for the next few weeks, of course.

It’s been pretty warm here for the past weekish (please don’t let this statement jinx it please don’t let this statement jinx it).. the windows in my room are partially open and at times i don’t even need a light jacket arund… there has been a bit of rain and cloudiness here and there at times, but… it’s usually freezing by this point in the year, and the only happy place is under 10 quilts and blankets in my room, or after sitting in front of the fireplace for 5 minutes and having regained feeling in my fingers.

i’ve been keeping a lamp on Rhine and Abra from the time i wake til right before i sleep, to keep them warm. they seem to be doing quite alright..

i should go downstairs soon and see where else i can assist with this whole Thanksgivingness… and so much else i want to do…

World view of America, written in Sidewalk chalk

slated in mainstream at 6:30 pm

zem’s photos from the November 20th rally in Sydney, in support of the people of Fallujah. by my understanding, the turnout was poor, but the message on that sidewalk chalk is by no means an uncommon sentiment around the world today.

22 November 2004 Monday

Not really a dream; a dream at all?

slated in mused at 9:30 am

It often seems a shame to sleep, when I can dream just as well, awake.

The thoughts that I would take to bed with me always escape; my dreams are of things much different, yet I wake up to find them there again. Always there, always remembering me.

i have often forgotten lately, as if an early memory loss of sorts has found me: what i know, what i feel, who i am, what the world is, what it is to me, and who i am to him and them and him and her and them and him and me again. every now and again a moment finds me and i remember, and i know. are glimpses enough to see all the way through, or at least to make it to the same end? and of all the beautiful scenes and paths and lives, all of which may or may not be mine, in time, am i sure of these? am i content to pull the weight my way and know each choice was mine and made? to swim in choice or stand in will; which is more honest? which is real? if i am convincing enough, why should it matter if i feel something undefined, that could stay unrecognized? are the truest things ever, really?

happy birthday Victor o^_^o

slated in days at 6:02 am

Dear Victor, the reverent and venerable*.

Hwell. Practically halfway to 30. How does it feel? Probably even better after you get a couple (dozen) slices of cake in you… but then… maybe later while all that cake is digesting.. then it might not feel quite so good.
But it gets better. Especially if you acquire some ice cream.

I hope you’re writing these past years down. Cuz you’ll never believe yourself later when you’re trying to remember; or when someon else is remembering your younger self to your older self. You know how in Jack and Bobby, it’s cool because you get to see this unique, young boy.. and you know that he grows up to become someone great and influential and widely loved. Well, I really don’t know exactly who you’ll grow up to be and what you’ll end up doing with the world, but knowing you now is like looking at Bobby, always knowing he’s already a greater person than anyone can expect.

It’s a little weird, referring to characters in a TV show.. but I figure you grasp what I’m trying to convey.

Your world will become increasingly interesting, and you’ll become increasingly interesting to the world.

That’s what I’m saying.

So Happy Birthday, Victor. Today’s a good day for everyone.

*you should know that i wanted very much to use the ‘word’ “reverable”, but apparently it’s been reserved for those cooking companies and similar oddities referring to Paul Revere. as if he ever did anything to deserve it. humph.

18 November 2004 Thursday

Petition for proper Ohio Recount

slated in mainstream at 2:56 am

Keep Ohio Recount Non-Partisan: Sign the Petition

information: Following Up On Ohio Election Hearings & Recount

17 November 2004 Wednesday

Pattern of Florida Election Results

slated in mainstream at 11:51 pm

Not new. But nonetheless, unbelievable.

Surprising Pattern of Florida’s Election Results

Ethel says this well:

In an interesting summary of voting by county in Florida, we find amusingly named Liberty County, wherein there were 4,075 registered voters, of which 8% were registered Republicans and 88% registered Democrats. The final vote tally was 3,021 votes, 1,927 for the Republicans and 1,070 for the Democrats. A similar pattern is seen in many other counties.

Playlist 11/16/2004

slated in playlists at 12:53 am

Makes-Ali-happy-music :) :)

Makes-Ali-happy-music :) :)

Sister Hazel — Beautiful Thing

Well I’ll follow you wherever when you lead me by my nose on another big adventure, I suppose.. Then you lay me down in clover with their petals on my back—I should make more time to do more things like that.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives