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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

We can live with dignity; we can’t die with it.

Playlist pieces

I'll have to walk a thousand miles just to find the ground deserving of your feet


Oh instincts are misleading; you shouldn’t think what you’re feeling.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

13 October 2009 Tuesday

A wooden bowl

slated in stuff at 5:36 pm

Email forward. Don’t know where it’s originally from.

A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered …

… Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. …

12 October 2009 Monday

slated in moments at 3:48 pm

My coworker just gave me a little gourd. I’m not sure what to do. It feels fresh. I think she said something about “decoration” — which may have been helpful, since my first inclination is to eat it. That being said, I’m not really sure where a little, fresh gourd fits in with my current decor. It’s gonna throw my color scheme.

P.S. It was really nice of her. I feel strangely honored to be gifted a gourd. (The stuff good Monday mornings are made off.)

10 October 2009 Saturday

Playlist 10/10/2009

slated in playlists at 9:35 pm

Noah and the Whale – Blue Skies
Gary Go – Open Arms
Annuals – Sore
Noah and the Whale – Instrumental I
Annuals – The Giving Tree
Gary Go – Wonderful

“Give me the love of an orchestra.”

06 October 2009 Tuesday

slated in mood at 10:58 pm

you’re not a good shot but I’m worse
and there’s so much where we ain’t been yet
so swing up on this little horse
the only thing we’ll hit is sunset

05 October 2009 Monday

slated in mused at 12:35 am
  1. I wouldn’t bet against me.
  2. I dislike faux/fake buttons, pockets, zippers, buckles, etc.
  3. There are relatively few foods that wouldn’t be made better with the addition of mushrooms.
  4. Labradorite goes with everything.
  5. I believe in love.
  6. I believe in timshel.
  7. I am not a runner.
  8. I like people more than places;
  9. I love ideas more than things;
  10. I really like a lot of things.
  11. Chocolate chip cookies are the best; also, a natural choice for breakfast.
  12. I like all sorts of cheeses and wines for essentially the same reason; I like cheese more than wine.
  13. I like chocolate, cookies, fruits, and nuts, but I generally believe in only two of those belonging together.
  14. Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.
  15. I like smiling at people and things (nice kids are especially nice to smile at).
  16. I really like driving (sometimes; passengers or lack thereof make all the difference).
  17. I love pockets.
  18. I like technology. A lot.
  19. I’m a big fan of nature.
  20. I’m not a fan of insects in general, though I can find them good and interesting if they’re not in my room or trying to bite me.
  21. I love good music and good books and good food and good things.
  22. I love my family and am very grateful for them and don’t do remotely enough to deserve them, though I intend to do better by them.
  23. I am a writer by nature, however I am awed and humbled by those who are additionally writers in talent and in practice.
  24. I’ve always liked bookstores and office supply stores.
  25. Raincoats should have hoods. (Even if they’re detachable.)
  26. I am an early adopter.
  27. I am a questioner.
  28. I am a skeptic, an optimist, a realist.
  29. I believe very much in possibility and in making new windows and doors.
  30. I believe in And, over either/or.
  31. I don’t like cynicism.
  32. I like tradition.
  33. I love outside the box.
  34. I believe in rules. I believe rules are less important than their intention, and do not supersede life.
  35. I believe in oxford commas.
  36. I like colored paperclips.
  37. I’m surprised by how girly I can sometimes be.
  38. I apparently like the word “vehemently”. In my head, it has four syllables.
  39. I like talking to myself; I’m good company to me.
  40. I cannot cry on queue (even if I try really hard); however, I cry at news reports, national anthems, weddings, movies, good books, commercials….
  41. Holes in denim (especially) should be earned not bought.
  42. Leggings are fantastic however they are not pants.
  43. I believe in wearing respectable clothes on airplanes, especially through airports.
  44. Respectable clothes can be comfortable, even very comfortable.
  45. Ideas are the best.
  46. I’m a big fan of curiosity
  47. I like dark themes on all my screens, and so many lumens in my daylight.
  48. I’m way better at washing dishes when wearing noise-cancelling headphones, listening to danceable music.
  49. My feelings are my own, and require no answer/reciprocation/feedback from others to sustain.
  50. I love a lot of people.
  51. I know that caring does not dictate responsibility nor require action, though the knowing is not yet reflected in my reflex.
  52. I love friendstacking.
  53. I am reckless with my limbs at home around corners and furniture.
  54. I really love the people I love.
  55. I accept that there are different kinds of love, and my experience maintains: if it is real it does not end; relationships change, as do intentions, interpretations, and needs; actions, wants, and feelings have no mandatory correlations.
  56. Mortality matters.
  57. Health is Everything. I’m still considering this open-ended, however everything ever so far has proven this to be so.
  58. I do not like velcro. Because it is NOISY. Silent secure velcro is totally excellent. And rare.
  59. I believe it’s perfectly okay to love milk chocolate, however it is not anything okay to put milk chocolate chips in chocolate chip cookies. Not. Okay. That was a dark day in my life and I will do what I can to never experience that again, and save others as possible from a similar horrific experience.
  60. I love [to eat] tuna. I don’t like albacore (blockier texture and comparatively bland).

16 September 2009 Wednesday

Should I get a flu shot 2009

slated in as so at 4:30 pm

Updated the Should I get a flu shot? entry

14 September 2009 Monday

Wedding Saving Passbook (Nice Story)

slated in mainstream at 2:22 pm

:Email forward. Original source unknown:

Monica married Nick this day. At the end of the wedding party, Monica’s mother gave her a newly opened bank saving passbook with Rs.1000 deposit amount.

Mother: ‘Monica, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your marriage life. When there’s something happy and memorable happened in your new life, put some money in. Write down what it’s about next to the line. The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in. I’ve done the first one for you today. Do the others with Nick.

When you look back after years, you can know how much happiness you’ve had.’ …

02 September 2009 Wednesday

Alias 2 vs. Env3

Comparison between Samsung's Alias 2 and LG's Env3

slated in consumed at 6:03 pm

continued adventure from Verizon’s LG Env3 vs. Samsung Alias 2

In trying to decide whether to get the LG Env3 or the Alias2 (as an upgrade from my Alias (1)), I started with the Env3 and have changed to the Alias2, and frankly, with both phones I am just really pleased with the features that are great and really appalled by the restrictions and shortcomings. Even my old Alias can do things the other two can’t/won’t do.

As follows:

Alias 2 Env 3
beautiful screen beautiful screen
photos not available during a call can view photos during a call
keypad tones stay off when told to be off keypad tones on during a call (txt msging)
silent keyboard key clicks are audible
great camera great if you stay absolutely still
dual hinge opens vertically and horizontally opens only horizontally
mediocre menu system superior menu system
weak photo software better browse software for photos
no cropping available allows cropping of photos
close in size lighter weight
comes with no games comes with games
poor navigation good navigable menus
spiffy e-ink keys that change keyboard is great, though strange place for spacebar
weak font choices better fonts
more ringtones less standard ringtone options
better vertical view/navigation better horizontal view/navigation
regular charger charger disassembles to be USB connector
lose menu place when closing/flipping phone keeps menu place
non-issue external keys do not lock during a call
no dual timezone option option for dual timezone display
not quite as loud loud on lowest volume
more photo-taking options (e.g. multi-shot) fewer photo-taking options
no photos and weaker views for txt msg lists txt msg listings show profile photo of individual
milder vibration intense vibration
seemingly faster txt/photo msg sending regular speed send
can send multiple photos/“slides” per message I think just one, per usual
has airplane mode has airplane mode

Alias 2 Alias 1
opens vertically and horizontally also opens both ways
far superior camera poor camera quality
silent texting during call silent texting during call
cannot view photos during a call can view photos during a call
can take photos during a call cannot take photos during a call
can view photos in full screen photos cannot be viewed full screen
bigger smaller, lighter
spiffy e-ink keys that change tiny keys
no preview while taking picture, preview shows in external view screen
silent keyboard keys click audibly
power button on the outside traditional power button on internal key
seemingly faster txt/photo msg sending regular (slowish) speed send
can send multiple photos/“slides” per message one attachment at a time, unless they’re tiny
has airplane mode no airplane mode

01 September 2009 Tuesday


slated in dreams at 4:27 pm

Wow. Weird/random dream.

I met someone who had fairydust.com, and it turned out (I found out later) that she was using the early version of ferrydust as her template — with my full name still showing in the upper right corner of the screen (in real life my name has never been there). I (overly) patiently tried to explain to her that this was misleading to anyone reading her contents as they would attribute her posts to me. (I note that I particularly did not want to be associated with her posts, though I have no recollection of their contents.) She was not internet/computer savvy, and apparently didn’t really understand templates/propriety, etc.

I don’t even know..

27 August 2009 Thursday

Verizon LG Env3 vs. Samsung Alias 2

Why I'm returning this Env3 in exchange for an Alias 2

slated in consumed at 4:54 pm

Things about the Env3 I cannot live with:

  • when in a call, keypad tones cannot be turned off. This means even though I have the keypad volume settings down to mute, when I am on a call I hear every single beep of every key pressed. The caller does not hear the beeps (yay) if I have DTMF tones off, but it drives me absolutely mad if I am trying to access menu items or typing a text message while in a call. Absolutely unacceptable.
  • when in a call, the (external) keypad cannot be locked; this is simply silly to me. I can lock the keys just fine when not in a call, but during a call I might have the phone in my purse or elsewhere while I’m talking on my bluetooth headset, and since I cannot lock it that means the keys are exposed to accidental pressing.. Just silly.
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