15 March 2009 Sunday
Jamie Cullum, Josh Ritter, Hem, Matt Nathanson, Vienna Teng, Mika, Joe Purdy, Charlotte Martin, Decemberists, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
“Idleness … does not consist in doing nothing, but in doing a great deal not recognized in the dogmatic formularies of the ruling class.”
Maybe it’s too soon be sure but I really do believe that some day we’re gonna have it all.
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Jamie Cullum, Josh Ritter, Hem, Matt Nathanson, Vienna Teng, Mika, Joe Purdy, Charlotte Martin, Decemberists, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Oh the sun is glorious. I really shouldn’t be inside on a day like today. Especially not after one and a quarter Checkers cheese double cheese burgers. I should be outside, in the sun, in an oversized hammock, wrapped in thick comforters (there’s still snow on the ground) and the love of my life (waiting for you to get here, buddy).
1. Hot damn, Spanish is a far sexier language than I ever ever gave it credit for.
2. I don’t believe in settling. Not where it counts. Never have. Started buckling on that a little in past years, thinking maybe sometimes people have their reasons. But so what if they do? It might be the only way they know, the only thing they deserve, but I don’t believe in it, and it being right for them is far, far from it being applicable for me.
3. Been listening to lots of The Bird and the Bee, Bon Iver, and Noah and the Whale. Also, The Last Five Years soundtrack.
I am eating a plum. It is cold and delicious. ~2009-02-24, 10:13am
I don’t know where to begin. I haven’t even written in any of my paper journals in months. Perhaps I really should begin there. Well, I will soon, then.
In some ways, nothing’s really changed. And everything has.
Sorry I’ve been so quiet here. I’ve been a bit noisier elsewhere. I’m well.. actually better than well..
I’ll write something more soon.
Launchy – “Open Source Keystroke Launcher”
Locate32 – “file finder … provide almost instant access to [to all your files].”
It’s Friday the 13th, and that’s only one of the best possible days ever. It’s also the day before Valentine’s this year and that makes this whole weekend a bit strange. It’s been a busy week. My head is full with thoughts now but I also feel that I’ve not quite woken up yet.
Philosophy of the day (provided by huli):
It’s always breakfast time
I picked up He’s Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo yesterday from the public library. It had been enthusiastically recommended and well-quoted on Tumblr; it sounded fun, and I was curious. After skimming through a few random pages just now, I’ve decided that it’s definitely a good thing to read for girls who are not completely secure or certain about their relationships/love interest. Moreover, guys should be reading this — at least any guy who is genuinely interested in better understanding the reasons and reflections of his own behavior and that of the girl(s) in his life, and interpretation of both sides. The commentary by both Behrendt and Tuccillo make for a good balance of observations and opinions, and their main emphasis is self-respect. I’m inclined to pull a lot of quotes from it and post them here, but other Tumblrs have already done a fine job at that.. Well, here’s my favorite ..