26 July 2007 Thursday
Playlist 07/25/2007
Suzanne Vega – Penitent
Matt Nathanson – Lucky Boy
Papa Roach – Forever
“Life is essentially composed of two things: the experiences that we make and the people with which we share them.”
Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine..
the jetsum sunk, I’m left behind;
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Suzanne Vega – Penitent
Matt Nathanson – Lucky Boy
Papa Roach – Forever
Itai = OUCH! (Naruto says it lots)
Slipped on stairs at metro.. scrape and internal bruising along underside of right forearm up to elbow.. but it doesn’t look so bad… it just hurts a lot! Inwardly muttering itai’tai’tai’tai’tai’tai all the way home. Tied my bracelet up to my fingers to keep it from falling against the wound… really hurts. And got myself icecream. Because gosh darnit have I needed icecream today and falling down the stairs = really need icecream today.
Hope it takes a nap soon cuz I’m gonna need this arm to play with Photoshop today.
</fascinating moment in Alicson’s week>
Front row for the Decemberists and Baltimore Symphony Orchestra at Merriweather Post Pavilion. And surprisingly good sangria.
Videos are weak-quality but I’m pretty pleased with them considering they’re via my cellphone.
Meet Joe Black was on TV just now…. I happened to catch it as I was planning to lounge for just a few minutes in living room while eating some ice cream… Had to watch the whole thing.
Tom McRae – A & B Song [lyrics]
When I first saw the preview for it in a movie theater, without having ever heard anything of it, the simple portrayal of the movie made me think “Tower of Babel”, and the end of the preview revealed that the movie was in fact called Babel. Have not heard/read reviews of it, beyond a general impression that it is a good movie.
Finally saw it this week.
I was on the fence when I first heard that Antioch College was going to be closed.
I’m not on the fence anymore.
Here’s hoping that I didn’t just get bitten by a bunch of poison ivy.
But — if I did — those raspberries may have been worth it.
All things that occur this year can be looked on as closing or final conclusions in some way. An auspicious year to complete projects, bring projects to fruition or arrive safely after completing a long life journey.