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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

20 January 2010 Wednesday


slated in moments at 10:33 pm

a lot of dreams this past week.

I’ve pretty much fully moved over to my 2010 calendar now, but am still carrying around my 2009 in case I need to refer to something..(though I haven’t really, so far). That will stop soon.

I slept a lot yesterday. Not caught up on sleep/energy cycle yet, though.

My hair’s finally back to the length it was almost a year ago. It’s been months since I had it trimmed, but I may still wait a while before I risk losing 3-5 inches again. But it’s back to a length that finally has me wondering when I’ll chop it all off, again. But then I remember how long it took to grow it out, and how happily warm it keeps me in the cold outside, and indoors in the summer.

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