06 February 2011 Sunday
Wrestling with Chrome
Chrome had been working beautiful for a long while, and then started hanging on page loads.. Still obviously lighter and faster to open than Firefox (of which I still use regularly and am a fan, but it’s definitely much heavier), but my (any) web pages were inconsistently —but with increasing regularity— loading very very slowly, if not simply loading indefinitely and never giving me my pages.
I tried disabling and uninstalling extensions. I tried upgrading and manually upgrading and uninstalling chrome and reinstalling.
I tried all sorts of Google searches:
- chrome load pages OR tabs slow
- chrome pages OR tabs load indefinitely
- chrome webpages not loading
The answer is actually very helpfully (though one would think Google would have come through here) in Chrome’s own "built-in" Help menu
The incognito test worked well for me, and clearing cache seems to have done the trick. Yay. Happy to have chrome back; life moves a bit faster.
Also a shoutout to Xmarks while I’m here (I’m just getting to know you, but you seem awesome).
And re: Chrome’s new Apps implementation… I think you’re splendid, but confusing and stupid as all hell with the non-differentiating between WebApps to install in Chrome/on your desktop, and WebApps accessible simply through a website. You want to market and promote them in one central location, fine, but make it clear if I’m hopping to a URL and don’t trick me into “installing” something that is complete and perfectly accessible via a link. If I want the link in my “Apps” listing I can opt that myself thank you.
Back to work.
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