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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

08 June 2004 Tuesday

Over The First Hurdle

slated in site-building at 11:09 am

Well, at least that shouldn’t ever be that hard ever again. I’m sure most of it was my fault.. and if this is all running properly at this point, then it is all much more than worth the trouble, anyway.

This marks my first experience with Textpattern, installed on the new Textdrive, both of which I intend to be utilizing a whole lot in the next few months/years. A note of great appreciation for the recent (and continuing, please! I’m counting on you guys) help from members of the Textdrive Forum, with a particular note of thanks to Damelon who walked me through the final stretch of this first set up (where there was blankness, now there is Textness).

Some important hurdles passed, and now only all the rest ahead. I’ll be around. :)

(and here’s an explanation of that first post: lipsum)

p.s. hosting is good. ;)

Comments on Over The First Hurdle

  1. berto
    I’m very much looking forward to see what goodgrape will become. Here’s to growth.
    commented Tue 08 Jun 2004, 12:04:33 PM :: link
  2. purplekim
    Grapes are yummmmmmmmmmmmmm (duh dum), yummy in my tummy…=)
    Et, je t’aime amour jolie.
    commented Tue 08 Jun 2004, 9:28:11 PM :: link
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