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We used to lie side by side; I could cover myself in you..
We used to lie, but I am no longer so wide-eyed and full.


warning signs through thousands upon thousands of honest lines


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

10 May 2005 Tuesday

Broken internet

slated in molehills at 4:18 am

Internet was dead this weekend in my house. Comcast issue. I’m not going to recount the blahness of dealing with comcast guy and the lengths gone to try to restore internet to this house. Whatever it is, i’m glad it’s back on today.

06 May 2005 Friday

Lost stats; unhappiness

slated in molehills at 5:22 pm

Really unhappy about the loss of all the Textpattern Resources visitor stats from March til now. Not really anything I can do about it at this point; I managed to retore a backup that I had from February… Without that, there would be 0 stats. And yet it feels like that anyway. Momentum had been picking up too. And Urchin’s around, but I’ve never been able to get comfortable with looking at that, and I’m not sure that it’s possible to draw from that to output usable info on the site, such as the bbclone-related plugins are able to do to reveal popular articles and such. Anyway, I’m quite grumpy about his. Trying not to be. *sigh* Never trust anyone else at all with your backups. No matter what.

Moving along: serious phpmyadmin + txp password problems. But at least there’s no data to be lost here… When that’s eventually fixed, it should be fixed. The months of stats? Now unrecoverable.
gosh i’m unhappy about this.

07 April 2005 Thursday

slated in molehills at 7:20 pm

I really, really despise inconsiderate, unprovoked, thoroughly unnecessarily mean people. girl at Blockbuster is on my list right now, right up there with the mosquitos.

07 December 2004 Tuesday

The story, like this, goes

slated in moments, molehills at 8:03 pm

I go to fetch computer last night. Guy there informs me I’m going to law school. Computer comes home. Pop in the first of three Toshiba Original Installation disks, that will format the computer and restore the original, default settings of Windows XP and Toshiba software on the machine.
I wait for the prompt as to how I would like to partition my harddrive.

I wait.

The short answer (after also consulting with one of the best Toshiba-certified technical service offices around) is that normally (aka. with every other Windows installation disk) you are certainly given the option to partition your disks however you’d like. Toshiba disks (and probably HP/Compaq/Sony..who knows… I’ve been Toshiba for a signficant many years now) offer no such option. It’s complete erase contents, format drive, and install default settings. Or nothing at all. My only option, he nicely (as possible) informs me, is to go out and get a new/separate Windows installation CD.

Happy Alicson? not so much.

*shrug* fine. bloody FINE.

how much do i LOVE being told how my software will behave and what will install itself and run contrary to my preferences, on my own computer. acceptable, it is not.

obnoxiousness and misleadingness and unnecessary pigheadedness when we could simply have a very happy Alicson if i would be:

  1. given the independent XP CD i paid for when i purchased the computer
  2. allowed to uninstall Windows/MSN Messenger and Media Player when i say so
  3. able to opt whether or not three separate processes of iTunes should be running in my computer’s background at all times

etc. etc. etc.

now, if you’ll excuse me, since this rant is temporarily complete i will return back to attending to the computer that is reformatting all over again, unnecessarily, because i have now realized i’m just going to be acquiring a new Windows CD (which i can’t get my hands on until late this evening) and doing through most of all of this all bloody over again.

p.s. happy day-after-Mommy’s-birthday, Mom

03 December 2004 Friday

The Stupid Computer

slated in moments, molehills at 5:09 am

(formerly affectionately known as “BBB” / “Baby Blue Bytes”)

affectionately nothing right now.

unfortunately about my computer, it’s looking like i have two options:

a) drive about an hour tomorrow to take my computer to an authorized toshiba service center where their minimum charge is $75 for a diagnostic check… and their paper thing says they’ll charge me for backing up/retrieving any data: to the approximate cost of $200 for 4.71 gb of data, saved to DVD. which is a total bunch of crap. if i’m going there, i’m bringing Casey, my 200 GB external USB harddrive, and once they’ve ‘gained access’ to the files, i’ll move those things myself. good gracious.

b) just let the original setup CD (three of them) do their thing = completely wipe, delete, destroy, eliminate, erase, obliterate, force into oblivion, annihilate all my currnet programs, files, settings, thoughts, life.. and install a ‘fresh’ copy of windows. with all the typical startup toshiba garbage included.

personally, neither of those options are making me think very well of the world at the moment.

12 November 2004 Friday

slated in molehills at 9:01 pm

oh happiness. and by ‘happiness’ i mean ‘big gigantic complete obnoxious CRAP.’ these are the things at which i seethe.

06 November 2004 Saturday

mountains and molehills

slated in molehills, moments at 3:25 am

mountains and molehills…mountains and molehills…

03 November 2004 Wednesday

slated in molehills at 8:07 pm

Everyone who did not vote, or who thought that voting for Nader was an intelligent thing to do, or anything of that sort, is just as responsible for Bush sitting comfortably at the helm of the decline of the United States and its environment and its economy and world-influence, and the neglect of the well-being and safety of its citizens and the fate of many many others in the rest of the world, as are those brilliant individuals who explicitly voted for him.

*feeling soundly disgusted*

04 May 2004 Tuesday

why they're numbered

slated in molehills at 10:19 am

“Each act of oppression put off the day a little bit, and further cemented the inevitability of that day.” ~Steinbeck

Like making me make copies. Again. Of that thing that’s over 50 pages, divided into 7 stapled sets, with a dozen tabs sticking out intermittently through it (never mind the manual highlighting made on specific lines throughout the sets).. ...should’ve had me do ten last week rather than two then and two now. Not smart.

19 April 2004 Monday

The 5:00 parking ticket. aka: Stupidest Thing Ever.

slated in molehills at 11:09 pm

To Whom It May Concern:

I’ll try to mask some of my contempt, disgust, and hysterical incredulity as I tell this story. I’ll also make it as simple and short as is possible. I went to the movies today. My ticket stub and credit card receipt is clearly marked: 3:49pm. I put in quarters for well past an hour. But all of those details, actually, are not really necessary. All you need to know is this:

I parked at a meter that had a clear sign stating “2 hour (meter) parking, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.” I came back after the movie to find a parking ticket on my windshield. The time noted on the ticket was 5:00. Actually, the carbon writing on it look to say 5:04—but it’s written over in pen (different from the rest of the ticket) to say simply 5:00.

Do I have to explain? The sign says 2 hour meter parking from 8am-5pm. Otherwise, free parking. The ticket said 5:00 in pen. So does the free parking kick in at 5:01? Even then, I had been sure to fill the meter with well past the hour before 5:00 that I would be gone for.

I don’t even want to write any more about this. The contempt and incredulity? How Why should I even mask that? What else is there to feel about such a pathetic situation/system? Not to even mention the “Chief of Police” who answered me at the front desk when I stepped into the Courthouse. -But the proper department was closed, of course. Mr. Chief of Police was very polite in explaining how, if I turn over the card, I can fill out the section that asks for my name and address, and I can mail it to the office that is clearly stated on the card, requesting a court date-as is clearly stated on the card. Thank you so much for that. Oy. <strong>thoroughly disgusted</strong>

Aside from that, I had a very nice day. Thank you.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives