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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.”

Playlist pieces

To find someone you love
you gotta be someone you love


First the thought and then the act
To think a plant up towards the sun
It can’t be done, it can’t be done

Sam and Libby, Lib and Sam
Made a little one of them
A baby’s born a man to die
I don’t know why, I don’t know why


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

04 December 2004 Saturday

Feeling a little blah, but not bad

slated in moments at 2:43 am

After that brief rant, it is quite clear to me that i have been missing chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for much too long now. and then i remember. it’s frickin cold inside this house and colder even outside. this is not good for me eating ice cream. and the clementines are basically all gone. and my computer’s not anywhere in this house. and my favorite company is gone for the night (three of them).

*grumble grumble* <shrug> actually, i’m in fairly good spirits. if not feeling a bit tired (for not much reason… though i did eat a really large amount of sashimi today. is that why?)

much to do this weekend… enough of this for now

03 December 2004 Friday

The Stupid Computer

slated in moments, molehills at 5:09 am

(formerly affectionately known as “BBB” / “Baby Blue Bytes”)

affectionately nothing right now.

unfortunately about my computer, it’s looking like i have two options:

a) drive about an hour tomorrow to take my computer to an authorized toshiba service center where their minimum charge is $75 for a diagnostic check… and their paper thing says they’ll charge me for backing up/retrieving any data: to the approximate cost of $200 for 4.71 gb of data, saved to DVD. which is a total bunch of crap. if i’m going there, i’m bringing Casey, my 200 GB external USB harddrive, and once they’ve ‘gained access’ to the files, i’ll move those things myself. good gracious.

b) just let the original setup CD (three of them) do their thing = completely wipe, delete, destroy, eliminate, erase, obliterate, force into oblivion, annihilate all my currnet programs, files, settings, thoughts, life.. and install a ‘fresh’ copy of windows. with all the typical startup toshiba garbage included.

personally, neither of those options are making me think very well of the world at the moment.

Where is Alicson?

slated in moments at 1:00 am

In case anyone’s wondering (maybe?) where Alicson’s been for the past…. two(?) days…
Well… we had a big windstorm that probably caused the broken internet connection for half a day yesterday… and then yesterday evening, when internet we back online and i was back in front of my computer and happily about to catch myself up on everything i’d missed (forums stuff, Resource site stuff, email, etc.) then my computer harddrive starts choking and decides it doesn’t really think it’s working anymore. I’m trying to change its mind, but it’s a day later (though i did spend much of the day out, mostly taking the car to get checked and fixed…(three belts to be replaced and wheel alignment)) and my computer seems to still be pretty convinced that it’s still broken. grrrrrr.

So. i’m going to keep talking to it… i’m starting to get a little bit violent though…. but really, it should know better. Anyway. i’m trying to keep up on email… if anyone notices particular things i should be attending to either in the Text* forums or on a the Textpattern Resources site or something … then please do call it to my attention…

<sigh> i could have gotten so much done in these past few days.

26 November 2004 Friday

And hello winter.

slated in moments at 1:04 am

*sigh* jinxed.

the windows are now closed in my room and i’m still feeling the cold cold cold.

at least the house will be full of bodies and candles and a fire and warm food, tonight.

25 November 2004 Thursday

I'm around

slated in days, moments at 6:50 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I guess I’ve been sukoshi quiet around here lately… A lot that I’m trying to get done.. and more than that, which should get done.

A lot of my attention has been tied up in a Textpattern community site that i wanted up and running sooner than later… it came about kind of suddenly, actually… that’s what happens when i’m sitting somehwere, being told i should be concentrating on a specific task or subject… i very quickly find something else far more interesting to devote my attention and energy to. So that was opened last night and there’s still a fair amount of work to be done on it, and that will happen and that will be good. Thank goodness for Remillard—how would it have even begun to work nicely without conditionals on the custom fields? And I think the company was the best part… tens more fun to build a site/a publication/anything when you have good people working with you and sharing your enthusiasm. Thank you.
Ever bit of feedback and small comments received by other Textpatterners in this regard have each meant a lot to me also.. whether criticism or compliment.. Very appreciated, and very useful.

So that’s happy.

We’re having a fair-sized Thanksgiving gathering at our house this evening… family friends… Dad’s taking care of all the traditional Thanksgiving foods: the best (organic, of course) turkey ever, cranberry soft, homemade stuffing (i helped cut the vegetables :)), mashed potatoes (it’s not Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes) with mushroom gravy (i think we’ll have to stop by the store to fetch mushrooms among other things, today), and either biscuits or muffins or popovers (whichever Dad’s decided to make..) and then Mom’s making “her apple tart/pie” (it’s a world premiere…) and i’m told that ham will be coming, along with assorted Asian dishes… so… we won’t starve tonight. And soup and sandwiches for the next few weeks, of course.

It’s been pretty warm here for the past weekish (please don’t let this statement jinx it please don’t let this statement jinx it).. the windows in my room are partially open and at times i don’t even need a light jacket arund… there has been a bit of rain and cloudiness here and there at times, but… it’s usually freezing by this point in the year, and the only happy place is under 10 quilts and blankets in my room, or after sitting in front of the fireplace for 5 minutes and having regained feeling in my fingers.

i’ve been keeping a lamp on Rhine and Abra from the time i wake til right before i sleep, to keep them warm. they seem to be doing quite alright..

i should go downstairs soon and see where else i can assist with this whole Thanksgivingness… and so much else i want to do…

10 November 2004 Wednesday

It's been a good day

slated in moments at 5:02 am

Just a word about my day..

It’s been a good day.
There was traffic this morning.
But none this afternoon.
It was chilly all through the day, but the sun shone clearly and the sky was beautiful.
I missed my computer much of the day (yes yes, I’m a dork… how else to work on related projects, though?), but my notebook was with me so ideas still flowed and were written and I was happy (yes yes, I’m a dork—but a happy one!)
When I was called down to dinner, I got up quickly after sitting still , intently focused so long, and I subsequently pulled something in my leg as I ran down the hall.
But I made it to the table and dinner smelled delicious.
I realized that my fingers were numb at one point, while sitting at the dinner table (because my house is that cold!), but the garlic shrimp my dad cooked was thoroughly yummy.
My mother seems happy and my brother’s hair is starting to grow back to decency.
I spent time with good strangers, came home to my family, spoke with some of the best people I know and love, sang loudly to excellent music in my car, ate satisfying food, learned something new or two, and will sleep cozily in my bed with five blankets.

And my fish are well.

It’s been a good day.

*edit: I also just upgraded to Firefox 1.0 final and Thunderbird 0.9. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that :)

07 November 2004 Sunday

Luray Caverns visit

slated in scenery, moments at 11:02 pm

Alberto and I went to Luray Caverns yesterday, in Shenandoah, Virginia. While the drive there was littered with offensive signs, it was altogether a very pleasant drive with perfect weather, beautiful scenery, wonderful soundtrack and the best of company.

Luray Caverns: on the drive over
Driving through Red country on the way to Luray
Luray Caverns: The Old Man formation
The Old Man formation
Luray Caverns - Stalactites and Stalagmites
Stalactites and Stalagmites
Luray Caverns: Calcium Carbonate dripstone Stalactites
Calcium Carbonate dripstone Stalactites
Luray Caverns: Wishing Well
Wishing Well
Luray Caverns: The Drapery formations
The Drapery formations

The stalactites and stalagmites in the caverns were quite beautiful, and it is staggering to see the sizes and shapes of the formations and consider that it took 120 years for each cubic inch of dripstone to form.

Certainly for myself, one of the neatest things about Luray Caverns is to know that it’s been a tourist attraction for over 120 years (I guess some new cubic inches of dripstone must have formed in that time).. Somehow, thinking of masses of tourists and crowds wearing walking through the caves over a hundred years ago, just as we did yesterday, is beautiful.

The wishing well in the cave is a very cute feature… Apparently they collect thousands of dollars in coins from wishers each year, and I believe those donations go toward the preservation of the Caverns, and also towards other charities.

There’s also the ‘Great Stalacpipe Organ’, which is apparently the largest ‘natural’ organ in the world. The sound of it, made by gently tapping various stalactites. Honestly, I’ve never been fond of organ music, but the sounds from the Stalacpipe Organ are really beautiful.. quite chime-like.

It was a beautiful, beautiful day. On a side note, go watch The Incredibles. Pixar can do no wrong.

06 November 2004 Saturday

Eulogy for Twain

slated in moments at 8:46 am

I regret to announce that on this evening, Twain the 1st, of Left-side Quarters, has passed away. The black rectangle is a token of solemnity.   Twain was a good Betta-Splendens, of the Veil-tail variety, red with a blue streak in one of his chin whiskers (I’ll know the correct terminology for a fighting fish’s anatomy, one day). He was very well for the few weeks he lived at this residence, until yesterday when he ceased to be lively… Perhaps he was depressed by the loss of the bubblenest he’d been buliding, when his water was changed. Perhaps he was traumatized by that event.. though the other two underwent the same treatment. As of yesterday, after his water change, he wasn’t even responding/flaring at the sight of Abra nor Rhine. Those two, by the way, have been super active since yesterday, and continue to be so. Twain…. is sadly gone. But he will be remembered. And his empty home will again one day be filled.

mountains and molehills

slated in molehills, moments at 3:25 am

mountains and molehills…mountains and molehills…

04 November 2004 Thursday

I'm back from my walk with Dad. ...

slated in moments, mused at 1:27 am

I’m back from my walk with Dad.
I began this post as a reply back to Mark’s comment from the previous entry, but it turned out considerably more rambly than i’d expected.

While reading Mark’s reply I ate a yummy apple that we picked up on the way home from Pennsylvania yesterday. Somehow, that feels relevant in a way.

Talking with my Dad always restores my general faith in the world. Not that I ever really give up.. but I do fume myself into a good bit of narrow-mindedness and carelessness. It’s usually pretty conscious and deliberate, but my father manages to convince me to be nicer and relax more, anyway.

I kind of said it earlier but I’ll say again: I love hearing good thoughts from good people.. and I love when people contemplate out loud—even often when I disagree with those contemplations. In this case, Mark, I thoroughly agree with what you’ve said.

I do often wish that I could take snapshots of my conversations with my father and share them with others.. that’s only partly because my Dad’s the most reasonable and intelligent man alive. More than anything it’s cuz very big and very small things, and very general and very specific things can get talked about openly and with serenity and passion, yet without offense.

However, if you ever were to hear a snapshot of a conversation between my father and I, much of it would be of my whining and bigoted accusations of certain groups and types of people and beliefs and practices.. Truthfully, it’s much more a talking style than my true beliefs. I can only talk so candidly and unabashedly with extremely few individuals..and that’s with trust in them that they know and trust me to be more reasonable than I often assert.

This has become a bit more of self-explanation than observation on today’s election results and the influencing factors and subsequent reactions.. Maybe it’s informative anyway.

One thing back on topic that I will say, is that I don’t think a 52-49% split or anything near that is ever a good thing for an organization. I realize that getting a two-thirds majority out of a country is pretty next to not-happening, but it’s pretty amazing (and somehow I feel that it’s not totally reasonable and not the most secure or best of situations) that everyone could accept a decision that a clear nearly-50% of the people firmly oppose.

My father reminds me that we were in Gettysburg yesterday. Our great great great great great (I tried calculating it out.. I think that’s about right) uncles fought and many died for this country in complete division. I guess today wasn’t so dramatic, in the greater scheme of things.

And the stars will keep shining and the trees will keep growing (until Bush completely kills our environment and atmosphere, anyway) and the results of this election may be of little interest to our grandchildren in history classes 40some years from now. But it does still matter.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives