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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Playlist pieces

you need faith for the same reasons that it’s so hard to find

only a full house gonna make a home


If I bent like you said was best would that change a thing?


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

15 August 2005 Monday

Book Baton

slated in stuff, reading at 1:18 am

i almost missed this one…
well thanks, James, for passing it along…. here i go:

happy birthday Katrina o^_^o

slated in days at 12:19 am

happy 4th birthday to Katrina. you’re sweet and adorable and pretty, and always a little lady… even when playing monkey-in-the-middle, with the exclamations of a four-year-old girl. ;)
strange for me to reminisce your even younger days and realize i’ve known you all their life—i thought only grownups think like that. ...oh, hmm..
happy birthday.

13 August 2005 Saturday

All cultures are not created equal

slated in mainstream, mused at 12:17 am

Alberto passed me this op-ed piece from the New York Times, by David Brooks: All Cultures Are Not Created Equal.

This really is a controversial subject. It’s along the same thread as “all men are not created equal”, isn’t it?
This is a long-standing subject of interest to me.

I do not believe all men are created equal. I do believe all men should be treated with reasonable consideration, respect, and open minds. ‘Reasonable’ is a very relative term, though, both upon the one doing the reasoning and the one being reasoned.

12 August 2005 Friday

slated in moments at 4:14 am

today/yesterday’re poignant days. it’s both days really, not just the one. it’s good-poignant. i don’t want to talk about it yet. i just want to smile for a while.


08 August 2005 Monday

Busy hbeing

slated in moments at 8:15 pm

List of things to do gets longer and longer.. even when if keeping p — and especially when not.

how do the next months play out? with hope, anticipation, attention, and adaptability.

side note: Textpattern 1.0 should be out this week?

London or Chincoteague?

Teaching, designing, stuff clearing, grocery shopping, house selling, trip planning, email writing, working, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, hugging, thinking, and all the other *ings
afterthought: Dad would remind me that breathing should clearly be up there on that list..

02 August 2005 Tuesday

upgrade to Textpattern RC5

slated in site-building at 7:53 pm

Ferrydust just went from Textpattern RC3 Revision 392—> RC5 Revision 712
*update: at rev768 as of 12august2005

Playlist 08/02/2005

slated in playlists at 6:43 pm

Jonathan Kingham — Walk Away
ColdplayFix You
Joe Hisaishi – Summer
Air – Mike Mills

happy birthday Watson o^_^o

slated in days at 5:39 am

almost a day late — but not quite yet, on this side of the world!
dear Wawson, you’re out there staking out new territory yet again, and i hope your birthday is just start of a beautiful year for you. here’s to happy memories from C-town days, and looking forward to happy memories (in the grand country of Asia?) to come. *huggles!*

31 July 2005 Sunday

happy birthday Eduardo o^_^o

slated in days at 7:02 pm

cheers and best wishes for your 18th year, and the stress, smiles, and mixed memories guaranteed.

29 July 2005 Friday

if a body Catch a body coming through the Rye

slated in consumed at 11:18 pm

I finished Catcher in the Rye the other day… third time I’ve tried to read it. I know it popularly makes me a lacking person somehow, but I just really found the book uninteresting for myself. I mean… I can see what the general appeal must have been to land it as such a remarkable, notable, classroom-essential, teenage-student’s-favorite book.. but… well, maybe timing didn’t work out properly for me to read it and better identify with it.. “well clearly you’ve never been a typical American teenager.” well, .. maybe. or maybe Holden Caulfield just isn’t anything more than what he is to me. Does it matter if I don’t like him?

I liked his little sister.

For that matter, I don’t like Harry Potter or Clark Kent much either. might all of those not be so different?

But I love that this book (and character) means so, so much to so many people. I love that.

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